Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Reality of His Eternal Glory


I am not a Christian Scientist or anything of the sort. That is a cult as are many others. But there are many realities that vie for our minds. Realities that are alluring and realities that seek our death. Yes, this post must be read with a degree of understanding about things seen and unseen, for therein lies a great and disturbing mix of realities. Make no mistake, there is only one eternal reality but there are many temporal realities. A good definition of the reality of which I speak is:

Reality: the totality of real things and events

People live in all kinds of realities both real and imaginary. In general, the reality that exists upon this earth captures all of us in time and space. Our senses are given to the temporal and the world constantly offers itself as the only reality. Most of the world embraces this as the only reality and just speculates as to a spiritual or eternal reality. I know, I used to walk in that reality.

Perhaps the greatest deception in the western church today is that we walk in an earthly reality, and more specific an American reality. We speak almost exclusively of these realities and assign doctrinal status to the unseen realities. We no longer even strive to absorb and live inside a spiritual reality. All around us are angels and demons and yet we rarely even think about it. I am not a “spooky” Christian who sees demonic activity everywhere or inhabiting a guitar once used by Jimmy Hendrix. I believe the evil one is far more sophisticated and clandestine than that.

But these spiritual realities do exist and are active. And instead of an exorcist type of exposure, the forces of God and the forces of Satan do battle around the earth. That is a reality. But we have created a reality wherein we compete with flesh and blood but do little against the forces of evil since we only give them a doctrinal nod. We speak about the ghosts of Islam coming to get us, or the goblins of liberalism attacking us. But the reality is that the souls of men are what drew the Lord Jesus to the cross and that is the eternal reality to which we must set our hearts. The reality of evil is a million times more savage than these earthly battles.

What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul? And what shall it profit a nation if it is prosperous and moral but does not follow the Lord Jesus in faith and practice? The church now seeks the reality of money and morals and democracy but has unknowingly rejected the Lordship of Jesus Himself. Jesus is a person who commands, not commandments with a person attached. It seems like a subtle difference but in that difference lies humanism and legalism as opposed to true discipleship.

One day every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. And that will be revealed as the eternal reality. But the church should be powerfully and passionately embracing that reality here and now. But our unremarkable lives reveal that we walk in a lesser reality which benefits us and does not glorify Him. If we were to walk in the absolute reality that Jesus is Lord over all, we should be accused of being a cult. And that accusation would be true. If only it were true.

But now we are faced with a profound choice. Which reality will we embrace? Which reality is ours? Which reality will we surrender to? Will we walk in the reality of His sacrifice and resurrection, or will we walk in the reality of this present world? Do no wait until your church decides for you. Do not expect multitudes to gather with you. Is not the cross enough for you or must you have lands and riches? Is the shed blood not your very life, or must you have what makes you feel important here? Can you block out the sound of His last breath and the vision as His chest heaves its last? Does that not move you anymore?

Has the cross lost its luster for you? Do you cling to earth’s realities or can you hear angels sing before Him even now? Do the kings of this earth beckon your heart, or does the majesty of His Kingship capture your being? He is glorious beyond words and He reigns even today. His future is the everlasting present. But can you leave this Egypt with all its gold and precious jewels and walk through the waters of eternity and bow before Him? Will you still embrace that which is fleeting, or will you be shadowed by the glory of His eternal wings? There is nothing and no one like our Jesus. How can we continue to walk in the thorns of this cursed world and not the unchanging meadows of His very presence? Close you earthly eyes and open the eyes of your spirit and gaze fully upon that rugged tree. There He suffers, there he bleeds for you. Do you just believe that or do you live that? Oh please enter into the reality of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

Is this way too ethereal for you? If so then you are still imprisoned by another reality. So often I feel led to speak correction about things that seem to endear themselves to the church. But I would much rather speak of that cross and the One who adorned it for me. There is no higher reality than the cross which forever scarred the Creator’s hands, all for you and me. How can we walk in that which is against Him? Forsaking the things of this world, forsaking the accolades of men, forsaking the systems of man, forsaking the power of men, forsaking the wars of men, forsaking the machinations of men, forsaking it all we set out to run to Him and the unmistakable power of His presence. One moment in the reality of His presence is worth more than an eternity in the presence of kings and princes.

Excuse me, I need to speak to Someone else.

Our minds are consumed with the leeks and garlic of the temporal while the royal fragrance of Your glory goes unnoticed. Oh Lord, forgive us for our ignorance. We have allowed our hearts to wander and be captured by temporal sirens. But You alone deserve our highest and exclusive praise. There is no one, no one like You. You are our Redeemer, our Savior, our Lord, our King, and our very Life. In You alone we live and breathe and have our being. Break us with love, dear Lord, and remake us in Your image. Make our lives a living pleasure in Your sight; we must please You to live. We need You so desperately…so desperately.

So here we are, Lord. We live in a lying reality that shouts down Your name, and yet here we are. Teach us how to be in this reality but never of it. We hate our flesh, but we cannot find the strength to put it to death without You. We stand in Your shadow and beg You to do in us what we can never do in ourselves. We crown You, Jesus. You alone are high and lifted up and beside You there is no other. Your kingdom shall have no end. We are Your loyal subjects and our desire is to serve Your majesty. Down we bow, and on our faces will fall.

We cannot allow angels to worship You alone. We cannot, we must not wait until heaven to worship You with all that lies within us. By Your grand design You have left us here to spread Your name, but we still must lift our lips and our hearts and our lives as living sacrifices to You. How we anticipate seeing Your glorious being and experiencing a reality that surpasses human knowledge. That is our prize; that is our reward; that is our hope. Eternity with You is a gift without words. We worship You, Lord, as the Lord of all eternity! Look at your face! Look at your robe! Look at your hair! Look at your feet! Oh my, oh my…look at your hands. Go ahead eyes, look at His hands and see. What do you see? Wounds of glory, and scars of deepest sacrifice. The Lion of Judah has wounds in His eternal paws. The Lamb willingly bears His wounds. He endured the slaughter but has chosen to reveal the wounds as the eternal spectacles of redemption. You…You…You Lord Jesus are worthy to be praised. Oh how we need You always. Selah, selah.

I desire Jesus
Precious Lamb
Who ransomed me
Upon the cross
He took my sin
By His blood
He set me free

I desire Jesus
Oh His Name
My soul esteem
For upon
His thorn-scarred brow
Is the crown of victory

He is worthy of all honour
All glory to His Name
He alone deserves
Our highest praise
And forever He will reign

I desire Jesus
Triumphant One
The earth awaits
For on that day
The earth will shine
With the glory of Your Name

You are worthy of all honour
All glory to Your Name
You alone deserve
Our highest praise
And forever You will reign

You are all glorious
You are all glorious
My heart leans in
My soul must sing
You are all glorious

You are worthy of all honour
All glory to Your Name
You alone deserve
Our highest praise
And forever You will reign

You are all glorious
You are all glorious
My heart leans in
My soul must sing
You are all glorious

I desire Jesus
Precious Lamb
Who ransomed me
And unto You an offering
Will my life forever be


Anonymous said...

Good post, very eloquent .

Mark Palladino said...

I have never heard this verse in praise or song...But it too is worship in my soul to my Lord.