Tuesday, September 04, 2012


(For the very first time I finally figured out how to paste a video on my blog. I know, I am an old and stupid man!)

I see the King of Glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see His love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Raising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees

Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth into


Anonymous said...

Love worship songs and enjoy this beautiful song from this sensational band. Thank you. I need to get back into hearing more. I've been on a hiatus of silence these past few years.

I used to embrace all worship music after my conversion experience, and having been blessed by many hours of music dedicated to praising God, I also felt a small 'something' that didn't seem right, especially with these internationally-acclaimed worship bands. I would get distracted by all the visuals. So I'd close my eyes and try to think on the Lord and get into that atmosphere of worship, but the focus being on the songstress or singer, with projectors focusing on the singer on various huge screens in church or arena really distracted me.

Lately, I'm feeling that if the singers would stay in the dark, and cameras not focused on them playing, singing, might bring a greater atmosphere of worship that glorifies Jesus ONLY. Every person in the service or meeting or concert would focus on JESUS, as they listen to the music. It might truly awaken everyone to a deeper experience in the Spirit if the focus was taken off of men's faces. I feel terrible writing this, but with everyone in our world constantly wanting their 15 minutes of fame, the Lord does not want that type of competition. Even I used to participate in music in our church, and felt I'd play piano better if I was hidden. I did not want the distraction of being watched and worried my hair wasn't right or some such silly vain thing.

Maybe if all musicians and singers would play unseen, it might provide a greater depth to their playing and singing that allows only those to see nothing but Jesus as they worship.

Rick Frueh said...

I completely understand what you are saying. In fact, the Hillsong group comes from a health and wealth church. But I have learned to worship the Lord even when the singers are less than perfect. It has allowed me to experience the freedom to lift up worship songs to the Lord from amny sources.

Mark Palladino said...

Rick-When the Bible describes heaven or saintly worship, I read about things like the brightness of God's glory, light, falling prostrate before HIM, bending the knee, UP-ward praise, and most importantly imitating Christ. When the Bible describes hell and the ways of the world, I read things like darkness, smoke and vapor, screeching, clamoring, adoration of men, elevating oneself to be seen of others, pumping fists in the air and the like. Now be honest, when you view this video (closing the eyes does not count because HIS eyes are always open and everywhere) what do you truly see? If you cannot see Satan, a fallen angel of worship, now freely orchestrating the praise of man on the earth, cunningly disguised as saintly worship, than I should begin to believe you may not fully understand the depth of his deception. I too have been duped by his subtle ways, but true men of God can be humbled, learn, and mend the error in which they find themselves. You have even admitted this group comes from a congregation that is in error, as you have exposed in past articles on this very blog. Do you expect that they would turn out righteous rock worship bands (if there is such a thing)? You certainly have the freedom to disagree with me, but I will stand on the Word of God, and as Paul stated in 1Thes. 5:22 "Abstain from all appearance of evil."

Rick Frueh said...

I do not believe that God has a favorite music style. In fact even the most conservative church music today would have been rejected a few hundred years ago. And as I said, I do not subscribe to the doctrine that Hillsong embraces, however I can worship God without endorsing them. Some of the hymn writers had less than stellar tesitmonies. But as you said, this is an area in which we can disagree.

Mark Palladino said...

Your reply was somewhat of a surprise for me, though I still feel you have good insight and wisdom on the topics you have addressed. But, to post a video of a group on a public website, then claim you do not endorse this group, is a little disingenuous. As I said, you can disagree with me, but I would like to think you would not disagree with the Word of God (i.e the verse I shared). This is the verse I would like to hear your comments about, and whether or not you agree with it. Past hymn writers and what was accepted in churches hundreds of years ago (or even less) is irrelevant to the point I was making about this particular video. I remember my past days of attending Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones and other rock venue concerts. I am supposing that back in your "long hair" days, you experienced similar shows. I don't think you can deny that these shows were nothing more than the Devil's creation, and by the amount of drugs and drinking going on before, during and after the shows, the fruit of it was quite evident. So when I saw this post, all those memories came back, and I could see myself stoned, shouting and watching my friend pass out from drinking way too much Southern Comfort. This did not stumble me, so I do not mean to suggest you harmed me in any way, but, I really wanted to stress the point that this group has adopted the devil's ways to reach youth, and it can only spell failure. Just as the Joel Olsteen's and Rick Warren's have adopted the ways of this world to promote their "gospel", so these "christian rock" groups of today do the same to promote their "worship". Just because the words may be right (and that is sometimes arguable as well) does not mean Jesus blesses it. Appearance still has Christ like value, if not, then the verse in 1Thes5 would not have been included in the New Testament message to the church. As much as we should not tolerate "dead religion" or "prosperity gospel" by the revelation of God's Word, we also should not tolerate "rockin' churches" for that same purpose. I hope you understand my intent is not to offend you, or your readers, simply to do as you do in this blog, warn the believer how spiritually inept the church of today really is!

Rick Frueh said...

There is no Scriptural teaching about types of music. Music itself is not evil. Many churches claim that even hymns should not be played or sung in church. Like long hair, I align myself with Paul's statement, "We have no such custom neithrt the churches of God."

Churches have secular bank accounts, use secular construction companies, buy clothes from secular stores, buy food and cars and homes from secular institution. I understand that people consider certain music types and beats as being evil. I do not subscribe to that system of thought.

God is tone deaf - He listens to the heart.

Mark Palladino said...

Rick-According to David in Psalm 22, he understood that God inhabited the praise of Israel. Jesus is that same God, he inhabits our praise and certainly is not tone deaf (I have never read any scripture that supports that theory, can you point to one?). He most certainly looks at the heart, and when he sees a heart that desires to use Satan's worship and praise techniques, I am quite sure he does not inhabit that heart. God rejected the very sacrifices he desired of Israel because their hearts were hardened (Isa.1:11-15). Jesus can also reject our sacrifices of praise in the same way. So yes, the condition of the heart is essential, and that is my main point. When one has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, this becomes a very simple truth. Romans 12(emphasis vs 2 & 9), pray and read this scripture and also: http://www.biblebelievers.com/Rock1.html