Friday, September 28, 2012

Jesus is For Sale


The western church continues to slide further and further into apostasy. There is no longer any standard at all. I thought that when Glenn Beck was asked to address the students at Liberty University it was a milestone in heresy. But within one year Liberty University has plummeted even further into the abyss of spiritual death. This time they have revealed they no longer practice Christianity, and their associations are a blatant affront to all that is sacred. Money and the capitalist system is now their God.


Donald Trump is a lost sinner and he represents all that is at odds with the way of Jesus. He is a practicing hedonist and filled with self righteousness. But that is to be expected since he has not been born again so he operates by the power of the fallen nature. His god has always been money and how to make it. Recently he has been embraced by some of the prosperity preachers, but now he is welcomed to what used to be an evangelical university. It is only that in name now.

Who would have ever believed such a thing? Who could have imagined that the church would embrace the ways of the heathen in such openness? I mean much of the community of faith lives in and practices and loves the capitalist culture, but they would still would reject Mr. Trump as speaking to the church. And what kind of shepherds would allow wolves to come in and devour the sheep, much less those sheep who believe they are called to ministry? These universities are supposed to be training the next generation of ministers and here they are poisoning their spirits with heathen advise as to how to make money.

And Mr. Trump told the students to make sure they get even with their adversaries. When questioned as to whether that was a Christian principle, a spokesman for Trump said he spoke to Johnnie Moore Jr, who is the campus pastor and here is what he said:

"I conferred with Johnnie Moore at Liberty University and questioned whether Jesus would 'get even.' The answer is 'he would & he did.' Johnny explained that the Bible is filled with stories of God getting even with his enemies, Jesus got even with the Pharisees and Christians believe that Jesus even got even with Satan by rising from the dead. God is portrayed as giving grace, but he is also portrayed as one tough character – just as Trump stated."

Ok, now we have another Jesus and another gospel and another Bible. What is now being taught is completely antithetical to everything that bears the marks of the Lord Jesus. He is now, to them, a way to get wealth, a way to obliterate your enemies, and He is now anything you want Him to be. It is difficult to put into words just how blasphemous all this is. When you have been saved for almost four decades, you have seen firsthand how the church has sold Jesus for a mess of pottage and thirty pieces of silver. And what is at the heart of this apostasy? Nationalism and the love of money.

When Christ returns will He find faith on earth?
Unless He returns soon all He will find is a false church.


Anonymous said...

When I read that story yesterday I couldn't believe it either. Yet, it's the fulfillment of the the Lord sending strong delusion in the last days.

The excuse in the quote made by the campus pastor is so untrue. Jesus never got even with the Pharisees; he tried to reason with them. And getting even with his enemies? Untrue. And Jesus getting even with Satan by rising from the dead? It is sad to hear a campus pastor put it that way, because if that was the only reason Jesus died, just to get even, it doesn't give the Father credit for giving His only Son who died for each one of us.

His mention of Jesus being "portrayed as one touch character - just as Trump stated" is shocking in that he should know that Jesus came the first time as a lamb and will return as a lion.

I don't have a college degree, haven't studied at a theological institution, but was taught by a few fundamentalist preachers with less than a high school education. I hope I learned enough and still need so much more learning, but I would have thought these learned men from Liberty would know better.

Rick Frueh said...

All these many different persentations of Jesus are a cluttered mess of error and self advancing fallen theories.

Concerned Christian said...

I had been called to the ministry within the last 2 years and was considering a seminary school to further my knowledge, after reading this I do believe my mentor is correct in thinking I do not need to follow a school because the Lord will teach me far better than a half believing school can. To think that a Christian school that teaches ministers would allow someone like this to come and speak of our Lord in this manner is absolutely insane. I think the head pastor of this facility should go back to the beginning and read Genesis Chapter 3 The Fall of Man. Eve fell to the wicked and sly serpant who convinced her that surely God would not kill her and she ate of the fruit. How many of these people are blind enough to Gods will to follow this kind of teaching? Unfortunately probably more than we want to realize. When it becomes more about the money and vengance than sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ someone is going to fall, to many have already fallen to the love of money and many more will. But this is a school to educate new ministers pastors and evangilists, why in Gods name would we allow some slithering serpant to come in and change the teachings of the Lord to the ideas of the world. Im not sorry for the fact that so many people have already come to the world to say IT'S OK because we have grace, what Im sorry for is there is so many people that believe their not going to hell.Gods Grace, Mercy and SALVATION is not a license to SIN and ITS NOT!!!! OK to allow the teachings of men to follow the way of the world into our seminary schools and change what God has laid out before us. Lets wake up people and not let Satan this deep into our battle fronts if we let him pentrate the stronghold of the Lord he will rip it apart from the inside out, as he seemingly has already begun. Stand firm in what we know and believe dont let the world tell us its ok but tell the whole world that they need Jesus, just as he has commanded from the beginning.

Reine Gnade said...

Romans 12:19
Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord

Donald Trump doesn't always get things in line with God's word.