Wonder if God is allowing those who are called by His Name to fear losing power over others: Losing exceptionalism, losing the best military, best athletes, best in everything. And fear of losing the ability to lord it over the world. Losing the ability of having the upper hand and the best and the toughest is something the church in the west has never experienced. If the western Church compared itself to Israel's history, it would find it never experienced all the pros and cons ancient Israel did, what it feels like to be the tail, not the head. the Wilderness experiences, the occupations, disbanding, persecutions, being deported and strewn around the world, persecution is something the US churh never experienced yet.
It might be said that the fear of losing one's own soul has never occurred to we in the West. It was never an option because our governments were always the safest, most protected and we felt that man-made earthly protection, not having to totally rely on God's protection.
I think that's the worst "fear" I still have to work through, get to that place to believe that God promises to prepare us to fear nothing.
Additional communications to me may be e-mailed to spcrick@msn.com. Any negative e-mails will be deleted without response, however sincere questions will be answered. I seek edification and deeper knowledge of Christ and His truth not a destructive and meaningless religious chatter. May God's Spirit open all of our hearts to Him.
I am an ordained Baptist minister but more importantly I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was saved in 1975 watching Billy Graham on television after having lived a wicked and Christless life. I graduated with a three year degree from Trinity Bible College in Dunedin, Florida. I have three children, two grandsons, and one granddaughter. I not only see the obvious falling away of the present day church, but I humbly acknowledge that we all are in desperate need of a massive revival. I hope this blog ministers to you, and may Jesus Himself receive all the preeminence!
LOL You are quite the rabble rouser aren't you?
Unfortunately people DO believe this :/
I really did laugh out load...
Wonder if God is allowing those who are called by His Name to fear losing power over others: Losing exceptionalism, losing the best military, best athletes, best in everything. And fear of losing the ability to lord it over the world. Losing the ability of having the upper hand and the best and the toughest is something the church in the west has never experienced. If the western Church compared itself to Israel's history, it would find it never experienced all the pros and cons ancient Israel did, what it feels like to be the tail, not the head. the Wilderness experiences, the occupations, disbanding, persecutions, being deported and strewn around the world, persecution is something the US churh never experienced yet.
It might be said that the fear of losing one's own soul has never occurred to we in the West. It was never an option because our governments were always the safest, most protected and we felt that man-made earthly protection, not having to totally rely on God's protection.
I think that's the worst "fear" I still have to work through, get to that place to believe that God promises to prepare us to fear nothing.
Loud...I laughed a load out loud.
I wasn't sure where you were going with this post until I got to the end!
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