Friday, February 10, 2012

How Ugly Can it Get?
This is a teaching example for the body of Christ. There is an uproar concerning the United States government requiring Roman Catholic health institutions to offer contraception for their members. This regulation has been in effect for many years. Anyway, why would the body of Christ really care how the fallen culture plays volleyball with all kinds of moral issues? The conservatives are incensed because they feel it violates the Constitution which protects religion from the government's interference, while the liberals are all fired up to defend it. Another worthless spectacle within Fallendom.
But during the annual Conservative Political Action Committee’s conference that issue was addressed. Many virulent words were hurled at President Obama, but one conservative named Cal Thomas, who claims to be a born again Christian, made a statement concerning an MSNBC commentator named Rachel Maddow. After a clip was made with Ms. Maddow taking the pro-contraceptive view, Cal Thomas made this comment.
“I’m really glad, Genevieve, that you played the Rachel Maddow clip. I think that she is the best argument in favor of her parent’s using contraception. I would be all for that! And all of the rest of the crowd at MSNBC, too, for that matter.”
Rachel Maddow is an openly gay woman and I suppose the comment by Mr. Thomas had that in mind. Now this ugly verbiage comes from the lips of someone who sings praises to Jesus on Sundays? Do believers have any interest at all in following in the footsteps of Jesus? Is it all now about conservative politics and moral issues, while redemption is altogether ignored? The arrogance and moral hubris is astounding!
This is exactly what participating in politics leads to in the lives and mouths of professing believers. The tongue is a world of iniquity and these kind of professing believers have no qualms about providing empirical evidence to support that verse. How can anyone feel that way about a lost person? I doubt he would have made that statement about a white family man who held the same position, but because she is openly gay he received the applause he desired from the self righteous crowd ready to froth at the mouth about anything against President Obama or his policies. On second thought, Mr. Thomas did expand his ugliness to include everyone at MSNBC. Such charity.
Brothers and sisters, the world is at war with itself, and supposed followers of Jesus seem only too happy to join in the fallen fray. We should, we must do better.
Col.4:5 - Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
oes anyone really believe the Bible anymore? It is most amazing to hear believers who loudly profess their view of Biblical inerrancy while at the same time openly ignore its teachings. The test of inerrancy lies predominantly with our adherence to its teachings and much less with our systematic theology about such things. The tangible hatred believers have for sinners is an affront to all that Jesus taught and lived. But the undertow of the political and nationalistic sewage continues to pull professing believers into the dung from which Christ rescued them years ago.
Oh how the Spirit must be grieved when He sees redemption kicked to the curb in favor of incendiary invectives being hurled at those who so desperately need to see the love of God through living persons. I fear this election year will see a further and colossal unraveling of the Christian faith because believers will get caught up in its worthless theatrics. If you are going to make such ugly statements about lost sinners, then please do the Lord Jesus a favor.
Don’t mention that you happen to believe in Him.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which is more disgusting - that Mr. Thomas said that or that people applauded.

Let it remind us of how terribly ugly it is to joke and laugh about others. And how damaging it is.

How will that woman ever come to Jesus and know His love and mercy when she's treated that horribly hateful way by His alleged followers?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for these recent posts, which challenge us and encourage us to faith.

As confirmation to you, Rick, let me say that yesterday I composed a long comment to your "Gay" post, which I concluded with Col.4:5 which I trust the Holy Spirit had reminded me of, instructing us how to speak to/about others. He reminded me that our speech is always to be with grace, that it may edify the hearer.

I had difficulty posting, and figured I might have been proud in what I had written, so I never completed sending my comment.

Today you have brought us to the SAME verse, which encourages me that the Holy Spirit WAS bringing that to my remembrance, and that it IS the Lord's will for us in our speech about gays and others.

"Out of the abundance of the HEART, the mouth speaks." Words reveal the heart.

If our hearts are redemptively oriented, rather than "war" oriented, we can be kept in obedience to commands for godly speech.

Culture war and political partisanship/activism is built on bad theology: "dominion mandate", a form of sacralism, a misunderstanding of the Kingdom. Bad theology has born bad fruit in people's hearts, revealed by their bad speech.

Entangling with the world's systems and emloying wordly ways, so sets us up for falling into ugly sin of heart, word, and deed!

"An offended person is harder to be won than a walled city."

May the Lord be merciful to help us His sheep recognize this, and to repent and flee from those who teach such things; and may He supply shepherds after HIS own heart, and laborers for the fields.

Your sister, Victoria

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these recent posts, which challenge us and encourage us to faith.

As confirmation to you, Rick, let me say that yesterday I composed a long comment to your "Gay" post, which I concluded with Col.4:5 which I trust the Holy Spirit had reminded me of, instructing us how to speak to/about others. He reminded me that our speech is always to be with grace, that it may edify the hearer.

I had difficulty posting, and figured I might have been proud in what I had written, so I never completed sending my comment.

Today you have brought us to the SAME verse, which encourages me that the Holy Spirit WAS bringing that to my remembrance, and that it IS the Lord's will for us in our speech about gays and others.

"Out of the abundance of the HEART, the mouth speaks." Words reveal the heart.

If our hearts are redemptively oriented, rather than "war" oriented, we can be kept in obedience to commands for godly speech.

Culture war and political partisanship/activism is built on bad theology: "dominion mandate", a form of sacralism, a misunderstanding of the Kingdom. Bad theology has born bad fruit in people's hearts, revealed by their bad speech.

Entangling with the world's systems and emloying wordly ways, so sets us up for falling into ugly sin of heart, word, and deed!

"An offended person is harder to be won than a walled city."

May the Lord be merciful to help us His sheep recognize this, and to repent and flee from those who teach such things; and may He supply shepherds after HIS own heart, and laborers for the fields.

Your sister, Victoria

Richard Ludwigson Jr said...

I want to add my thanks for your posts which call us to remain true to the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Your posts provide a daily challenge to examine my heart and my opinions/beliefs in regard to scripture. There is also a daily encouragement that I find to remind me that God is in control and He has a plan for my life.

Thank you Jesus.

Anonymous said...
