Sunday, November 07, 2010

Don't Ask - Don't Tell?

To gay Americans: You may kill for us but you may not admit to being gay.

Why? Because our killing has moral standards, so pretend while you die.

Now as a believer and imperfect follower of Jesus I submit to you the ridiculousness of such a construct. Now we as believers must always allow the lost to admit who they are without condemnation. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn, but to save. And yet even the world divides according to acceptable sins and those that are not acceptable. But we are ambassadors of redemption, not exposers of sin. Sin must be discussed within the body of Christ so that we can please God and sanctify ourselves as vessels fit for the Master’s use.

But the whole world lies in the wicked one, and they are dead in trespasses and sins. We must lift up the Lord Jesus and the good news of the gospel. Our policy?

Don’t ask, but tell them of the Savior’s love!

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