Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wallowing in the Political Pigpen

Wallowing in the Political Pigpen

It is estimated that approximately 6 billion dollars will be spent this election year around the country in order to gain power. Anyone who believes this is God’s will has never read the Bible. Democracy at work, while millions starve. But there is more to this, much more.

We as believers are commanded to detach ourselves from such things, especially when it is voluntary. We must buy groceries from companies that may or may not be engaged in unbiblical things. The marketplace is filled with all sorts of sin and compromise, but there are some necessities that require us to be a small part. But politics is such a nefarious enterprise that is stains everything it touches, and it is not a requirement. Only professing believers who are blind to the Biblical admonitions, or who actually believe it makes a spiritual difference, or who have a distorted view of the biography of America will actively participate in the fallen and disgusting political process.

And if anyone had any lingering doubts, this political year should have completely eradicated any of those. Do you believe God operates through a system of the “lesser of two evils”? Is that the way the Kingdom of God operates? Do you not see that just being involved makes you a partaker of their evil deeds? Can you not see just how incredibly antichrist the entire mess actually is? And its not just a handful of individual believers; it is the majority of the western church that has both sold their spiritual birthright for a mess of fallen political pottage.

Oh how we have lost the vision of the Risen Christ and replaced it with some moral utopia! One day this earth will be replaced with a new heavens and a new earth and yet believers are expending time and energy attempting to transform it, and by the power of the ballot box? How carnal! How ignorant! How blind can we be? Christ has called us as epistles of redemption and that can only come through His own gospel. Wallowing in the world’s pigpen only obscures and compromises the glory of the everlasting gospel of the Lord Jesus.

And now the world demands that believers choose either a lost pro-life sinner or a lost pro-choice sinner? And that is supposed to represent the Kingdom of God? Who says we must bow to the dictates of Caesar and be in lockstep with the system that the world lays out? Oh no, a thousand times no! Humbly, yet forcefully, we must reject the path the world has laid out and we must walk the straight path that is sprinkled with droplets of blood and that leads to the place of the skull.

This world will never be changed for the good, and in fact, when peace seems to come it only means the spirit of the antichrist has taken a giant leap of power. And let us be perfectly clear and remove what clothes the emperor has left. The overwhelming percentage of believers vote with their pocketbooks in mind. The economy is the modern western idol, and even among believers they speak and worry about such things. Forget about the Scriptural command not to complain. Forget about loving your enemies. Forget about coming out from among them and be separate. Most believers speak more about Obama than they do about Jesus.

It is recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke about two men possessed of demons. And when the demons met Jesus they knew Who He was and asked that they be cast into a herd of pigs. Jesus did just that, and the entire herd ran over a cliff to their death. And when the town herd about it they went out and begged Jesus to leave their town. Why? Were they not glad men had been set free from demons? Perhaps, but they had a greater concern. Jesus had destroyed their pigs. You see, their pocketbooks ruled their hearts.
If the western representatives of Christ’s body are to have any spiritual impact on the sinners around them it will take a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. And before that can occur we must repent of our ways and allow the Spirit to change our hearts and minds. There is no other way unless we choose to stay as we are and continue on the worthless cycle we are on. Even all the moral issues are tangential to the gospel message, and any moral transformations without the gospel are humanism.

Is this the year where millions of believers will say, “Enough!”? If we cannot see clearly this year perhaps we never will. And it all stems from idolatry. The idolatry of nationalism; the idolatry of democracy; the idolatry of moralism; the idolatry of the systems of man. “Thou shall have no other gods before me,” says the Lord. Oh but how clever we are when we attempt to have one foot in the kingdom of darkness and one foot in the kingdom of light. While we profess with our lips that Jesus is Lord our hearts carry us to that which denies Him.

This country in which God has placed us is filled with idolatry and openly denies the Lord Jesus. Not because of its hedonism and immoral behavior. But its very charter is pluralistic, and ever year every president calls for a national day of prayer, a mockery in itself, and he invites all religions to attend. Do you participate in that unchristian spectacle? Does it soothe our consciences by following another hollow invention of fallen man? A national day of prayer? How about 365 days of prayer?

Caesar speaks and we listen and obey. And we not only believe the fabricated stories of the “founding fathers”, we proliferate such falsehoods. Why? Because we hold this country in high esteem and even suggest a divine creation and favor. If war is how God operates now then perhaps He did create this nation because as we all know God hates taxation without representation and He will murder people to stop it. How insulting and how ignorant.

By any Biblical definition the entire democratic process in America is hedonism and idolatry. But even in the face of that overwhelming evidence, many believers willingly engage in unkind rhetoric and financially support a system that goes against everything Jesus lived and taught. But do not fret, since it also seems that soon all of men’s systems will come to an end when the King of all Kings returns. And those who trusted in democracy or politics or military might will be sorely vexed as they are shaken by the brilliance of the Lion of Judah.

On that day only that which was done for and through Christ will stand.

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