Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Supporting Traditional Marriage

Supporting Traditional Marriage by Compromising God’s Word

So often believers are quick to stake out a Biblical position on a given subject and do not even realize that they are compromising the teachings of Gods Word. This compromise is not in the position they hold on that subject, but it comes in like a flood in the way they hold and focus on that position.

The Christian faith and life is more, much more, than just a checklist of positions and doctrinal tenants. When we refer to a person or preacher (subliminal humor) as “orthodox” we invariably are referring to his doctrinal belief system. The Trinity, the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith come to mind. Rarely, if ever, when we say a person is orthodox do we mean he exhibit’s the love and grace and mercy and humility commanded in the New Testament.

And along comes this gay marriage debate simmering in the culture at large. And orthodox believers are quick to stake out a Biblical position and publicly wear it as a moral badge. Let us be honest, gay marriage cannot be justified in the Scriptures and it is a very easy Biblical position to hold. Not only is the Bible clear, but for those of us who have never had same sex attractions it is most familiar and comfortable to ease back and reject the notion of gay marriage.

But there is something much deeper and much more Christlike in this entire spectacle. It is a mountain placed before us which is difficult to climb. We are not just called to embrace doctrinal positions as such, but we are called to emulate our Master. Even in the midst of the most heated discussion about Biblical issues, we cannot just jettison all the other teachings in Scripture while we defend one.

This life we lead that follows Jesus and seeks to embrace and live out His truth is a growing and organic revelation of the Eternal God. Just because our doctrinal portfolio seems orthodox does not even guarantee we are saved, much less that we are following Christ. To say that those who embrace traditional marriage are exhibiting the life of Jesus is marking on a an extremely low curve. There are unsaved people who reject gay marriage.

The standard that authenticates a Christ following life is light years higher than the normal issues-oriented dialogue which so often provides a platform for self righteousness and judgment. We have taken the life that was supposed to be a living illumination of our Redeemer, and we have made it another moral system. In our unspoken but all too real quest to feel superior and righteous we have culled out a few issues which are to be used to bring honor to ourselves and our spiritual orthodoxy.

Even though our position on such issues may indeed be Biblical, so often the way they are embraced and publicized throughout the church disregards the more weightier spiritual principles outlined through the New Testament. And while our mouths speak the truth about a certain issue, our hearts reveal a remarkable carnality which not only obscures the light of the everlasting gospel, but brings actual reproach to the cause of Christ and the kingdom of God.

Think about that paradox. Millions of believers aggressively and boldly standing for an obvious truth of God’s Word but are simultaneously doing despite to the Spirit of grace and the redemptive plan of our Savior. It is most perplexing. The church has been sucked into the abyss of moral badminton. They say something and we say something back. They shout their stance and we shout ours back. This is a very great deception that subtly compromises the gospel of Christ. And while we chase false teachers and heretics we ourselves are willfully engaged in orthapraxic heresy. You see, it isn’t just the common doctrinal heresies that are counter to the teachings of Scripture. Along with those are the more clandestine heresies that behave and speak without salt and without redemption and with an amazing blindness to the gospel narratives.

The overarching issue is not about gay marriage. That is a detour which leads to all sorts of self righteous mischief. Our calling, and the command given to us right before our Lord ascended to His throne, is the gospel. But you can reel off any number of issues around which believers spend an inordinate amount of time and energy which have no substantive element in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The twenty-four hour creation day, the young earth debate, traditional marriage, the death penalty, and other issues may find a place for dialogue within the church, but they certainly should not be front and center as we go without the camp bearing His reproach. This is a spiritual war over the souls of men and not the victory over issues. Many times our demeanor and our approach outweighs the rightness of our cause. Do not become blind to what is commanded of us.

We are to both emulate the Lord Jesus, as well as allow His life to shine through us. And when earthly battles rage, that is when our light should shine most brightly. But, sadly, the church has learned the way of the heathen and joins in the fray exhibiting the very traits that are exhibited by the unredeemed. And in the end, issues like traditional marriage are used of the evil one to compromise the Person of Christ in the church. Isn’t it an antinomy? The church stands for truth but in her methodology she dismantles more truth.

Let us sort out our responsibilities before our Lord. So often we charm ourselves into thinking we are some sort of truth warriors, when in fact abject humility is by far the Spirit’s weapon of choice. Biblical boldness must come in the form of a cross, which in and of itself is vexing to the flesh. The Spirit is not altogether impressed by your traditional marriage credentials when they are presented upon a plate of pride and a fanciful self image. And in the final analysis, all of us have received the revelation of truth through the redemptive grace of God and not our studiousness and serotonin dexterity.

The church must return to being humble servants rather than boisterous political perspectives; cross carriers rather than petition signers; self deniers rather than self elevators. We should not expect the citizens of the kingdom of darkness to behave and believe as the citizens of the kingdom of light. But what we should expect, what He expects, is that the followers of Jesus act like Him. And placed squarely in the center of that remarkable revelation is a face adorned with the spittle of fallen men and with oozing bruises covered in blood. Go ahead, emulate that. Embrace that. Follow that.

And what is this I hear??

That face, mocked and beaten, battered and disfigured by unjust men, opens its lips ever so slightly and in much pain. Incline your ears and for a moment beckon the noise of the world to cease. Now hear this all you raucous warriors of truth, the Lamb Himself and He Who IS truth begins to speak. Will He castigate His accusers or curse His tempters or bring down the wrath of God upon all who reject His truth?

“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”



Robin said...

"We should not expect the citizens of the kingdom of darkness to behave and believe as the citizens of the kingdom of light. But what we should expect, what He expects, is that the followers of Jesus act like Him."

Truth. And much harder to pull the plank out of your own eye than to pull the splinter out of another's. Thank you for the reminder. - Robin

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick,

I have read your blogs and been blessed by them. I am attending a family funeral on 07/07 and want the attendees to know Jesus by my eulogy. What would you suggest? I want at least a 2 minute speech that has impact. Most of the family are lapsed Catholics. Please email me at lnpiparo@rocketmail.com. -Noel