Saturday, July 07, 2012

A Pyrrhic Victory

A Pyrrhic Victory

The church’s pursuit of earthly success and the obliteration of all our trials and troubles has led people into a devastating reality called a Pyrrhic victory. The phrase is drawn from King Pyrrhus of Greece whose victory over the Romans was so costly that in the end that victory could well be viewed as a defeat. The Romans could easily replace their troops, however the Greeks suffered irreplaceable losses even in their victory.

And being blind to this element, the church continues to suffer great spiritual losses imbedded in their temporal earthly victories. The extent of such losses can only be estimated, but by any Biblical analysis the western church has been spiritually decimated even while appearing to be prosperous. This is no small thing, and its ecclesiastical implications are deep and wide. And further still, the eternal implications of such “victories” are monumental.

In open defiance of God’s eternal Word, much of the western church concentrates on the temporal, and mostly the self serving temporal. They have become almost immune to the teachings of the Scripture through the power of God’s Spirit. Little by little, men and women have recreated the faith and sculpted it into a masterpiece of self image, self help, and practical advice. The cross is barely mentioned except at Easter, which in and of itself is pagan.

And in the end the church has been filled with successful people along side of other people desiring success. And the pastor guides his flock through a systematic journey of “how to” messages that deal exclusively with earthly matters. Even prayer is usually presented as an avenue through which to get things from God. What kind of God is this that they preach? And in the midst of bigger and more technologically advanced buildings, and in the midst of larger weekly offerings, and in the midst of numerical growth, and in the midst of talented and successful church members, the western church has been laid waste by its idolatry and deeply unbiblical teachings and practices.

The victories she touts are often hollow and often lead to a distorted view of Christ and His kingdom. But even King Pyrrhus recognized the extent of his losses and even once observed that “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined.” But the church continues to pat itself on its back and parade an assortment of earthly victories, many of which can be and are duplicated in the secular realm. Years ago when a sinner “got saved” his entire life was so transformed and his commitment was so fanatical that even his own family took notice. Many times he was rejected by family and friends. But today we blend in very nicely and are very content with our tepid spiritual lives.

The average believer’s pursuit of earthly success and victories reveals a shallow and completely distorted view of Christ and His mission. And false teachers by the thousands make merchandise of gullible people. The sirens of false voices are leading millions to spiritual shipwreck on the rocks of fallen man’s self serving imaginations. It isn’t just a minor tweaking of the faith, but it is now an entirely new religion. It can no longer be considered Christian.

But in all this comes humanism in all its fallen glory. The slick television preacher; the impeccable local pastor; the wealthy Christian singer; all of which hides their imperfections and elevates an image of man that is fanciful and deceitful. And the residual elements of such imagery is that sinners become followers of men and seek to give sacrificially to their idol. Some Christian counselors receive hundreds of dollars for a one hour advice session. And if that counseling works, that counselor gets the credit. And with each earthly victory gained through good advice and practical preaching, the spiritual losses are both significant as well as unnoticed.

But all so called victories gained without Christ are Pyrrhic in nature and in substance. In order to gain earthly victories you must surrender much more than you conquer. And so success comes at a very steep spiritual price. In fact, if we seek the approval of men and we reach that pursuit, we have forfeited the approval of God. The paradox is both evident and subtle. Earthly victories are gained through manipulation and the energy of the flesh while spiritual victories are only gained through a surrender to Christ.

And one day kings and princes will wail before the King of Kings as they realize what fools they have been. Their Pyrrhic victories have exacted the high price of their very souls. They have labored for the temporal and have received the fruits of that labor, but hidden in that victory is the casualty called eternity. And if by chance they have gained the whole world and have lost their eternal souls, then what profit have they to show?

We live in a time where men follow the dictates of the flesh and seek to satisfy its relentless longings. And now in the church the gospel is a kind of doctrinal talisman but not the source and destination of our Master’s final command. You desire to witness real spiritual victories? Then cast your mind back and watch as the martyrs ascend the gallows with hymns of praise dripping from their lips. “He who saves his life shall lose it, but he who loses his life for My sake shall find it.”

Afflictions will inevitably come to us all, however the child of God endures hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. We receive comfort rather than escape; we embrace God’s sovereignty rather than our situation; we offer praise in every situation rather than complaints. It is God’s will that we glory in the greatest victory throughout eternity - the cross. And in that spectacle of death, when every aspect seemed like a crushing defeat, a victory was purchased whose glory can never fade.

Treasure your trials and give thanks amidst your testings. It is these times where your faith emerges as your only life force, and your ultimate victory is always in Christ. But if you struggle and in the energy of the flesh attempt to escape and alleviate your discomfort, you may achieve your desire. But remember, it is those earthly victories that will ultimately prove most costly to your walk with Him. The fellowship of His sufferings is a sacred and holy calling not to be despised.

Will yours be a victory after King Pyrrhic, or will your victory be after the crucified and risen Lord of Glory? You cannot have both.

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