Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Shocking and Heartbreaking Reality

I saw this video at Christian Research Net which is administrated by my friend Ken Silva, with whom I often agree and disagree as well. But his blog can be beneficial, especially when it involves error and spiritual departures like the one about which I will deal. May I also say that in spite of my sometimes speaking correction to Ken, he has always treated me with respect and civility. I cannot say the same for some more emergent/liberal blogs when I dare speak a word about Rob Bell’s teachings.

Watch This Video.

Oh the sorrow; oh the heartbreak; oh the treachery. The pulpit once was a place where a sanctified man of God came fresh from his prayer closet, and after having been with the King of Kings, he doesn’t deliver some sermon, but he delivers his burning soul. But as you watched this pitiful video, can you not feel the grieving of the Spirit? Where is the Lord God of Elijah?

What in God’s dear Name has happened to the gospel, and where are the surrendered and broken messengers who are willing both to sacrifice the world and to suffer persecution in order to magnify the Lord Jesus? What kind of open carnality is this that supposes itself a spokesman for Christ? There are no perfect messengers to be sure, but when you hear things like this, you realize the walls are broken down and the gates are burned with fire! And in the background you can hear the deceived congregants offering their approval as the man on stage both mocks the worship of others and devises plans to irritate other believers by using the message of fallen men. He must value the debauchery of the lost more than he values the fellowship of other believers, even though they may not see things as does he.

This pastor is not alone. He is representative of thousands of so called pastors who are not feeding or protecting the sheep, but are in fact leading them into a spiritual ditch. Using unwholesome words, and making light of music meant to glorify the resurrection, he by his words and his example tickles the ears of his listeners and encourages a self righteous spirit. It is almost unbelievable, but this kind of worldly marionette exhibition is now rampant in the world of evangelicalism.

What if you had been praying for years for a lost aunt, and you brought her to the church on the corner, all the while praying for her soul, and you and she heard that? Instead of a prayed up and anointed man of God, you witnessed a George Carlin-esque type of performance. Oh yes, the Word of the Lord is very rare today. These young Rehoboams and Jeroboams have no respect for the former things used of God, but just like the two “Boam” boys they mixed the holy with the profane.

Now I ask you. If Jesus tarries, what will the next generation of professing believers look and act like as they are “shepherded” by men who need shepherding themselves? Can you even imagine a pastor conspiring to “p***” people off on Easter Sunday morning and then have the audacity to call himself a shepherd? I have been saved for 36 years and I have never heard such carnal blasphemy. It is time we speak what the Spirit is saying. These churches are no longer Christian at least in practice. Even a Muslim cleric would not dishonor his meetings with such careless and common rhetoric. They have more respect for Allah than some professing believers have for the Lord Jesus Christ!

But do not be troubled. These things must come to pass, and everything will most likely get worse. But the silver lining in this cloud of apostasy is that it summons our hearts to look upward for surely the coming of the Lord draws nigh! Do not be discouraged, but hold fast to Christ and to Christ alone. Away with all the carnivals, and theme parks, and houses of entertainments, and sex therapy gatherings, and money launderings, and stand up comics, all of which masquerade as gatherings meant to worship the Most High God and His Christ.

I do not suggest I have any knowledge of who is redeemed and who is not. But I do fear that many sinners are responding to a false message that cannot save and a false caricature of the Risen Christ that cannot redeem. Let us watch and pray that we ourselves resist the temptation to stray from the majestic simplicity that is only in the Lord Jesus. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. Sometimes I feel that there is something wrong with me when I can't receive the message of these types of "pastors" but the crowd around me is cheering. It will take courage and faith in the days ahead to stand on what the Bible teaches.

Anonymous said...

A dear sister once thought there was something wrong with her because reading "The Shack" disturbed her. She told me that everyone else in the women's group at church was raving about it.
I reassured her that it was they who were led astray and her that had discernment about it and then explained why.
If we read our Bibles every day under the guidance of the Holy Spirit...we will be able to spot error and lies rather easily.

It's difficult to stand alone on an issue like this when everyone around you is happily strolling down the "broad road" beckoning you to follow along. But - you are not standing alone. Jesus is with you.
May you always go with God.

shannon said...

Amen sister Lisa!
Sometimes we get the "Elijah" syndrome. We are fearful that we are alone in the area of discernment. Then the Lord reveals that we are not alone, lonely maybe, but not alone. Jesus is right here with us wherever He has placed us.

Was wondering if you had a chance to listen to the sermon of Ephesians 2:9 Revisited from as pertaining to salvation being none of our doing? I was very much ministered to by it and recommend it to "Anonymous" also.
Thank you Sister Kelli for suggesting it :)What a blessing!

shannon said...

Excerpt from the sermon of Ephesians 2:10 from link Kelli posted:

The painter paints the painting. He expresses the story or statement in the painting. He chooses a frame that complements the picture so that everyone sees the artists work not the frame.He won't choose a frame that outshines the picture. I must decrease as He increases. I am the frame.

We are His workmanship having been created in Christ Jesus on the basis of good works, which God before prepared in order that we should walk in them. God has a life in Christ planned for each of us. As we walk in the Spirit, we walk in the good works that God has already prepared for us. By His Spirit we walk in them. We don't create them. We don't make them! So Paul is not promoting "good works" other than God's. It's His good works, which He has already prepared.

Salvation is a gift of God. The whole process is a gift. Everything necessary to be saved, God gives it as a gift, not because we deserve it, but because we need it. After He saves us, He becomes our life.

In order to paint and produce and express His message, His artwork in me and through me, my brokenness, my sinfulness is part of the picture.

In our culture, if we want to "win" people over for Christ, we try to act more successful, more happy than they are, to try to make people feel like they "need" the Lord.

Sharing salvation with others is "one beggar telling another beggar where to find Bread".

shannon said...

One more important point from Ephesians 2:10 sermon which I think very important:

When we claim we "received" Christ, that is a "work" that we credit ourselves with. In fact, He did all of the "work" when He saved us by His grace.

kelli said...

Thank you sister Shannon for your excerpt.