Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One Less Gay to Hate

Many, many times I have exhorted the followers of the Lord Jesus to consider how they treat lost sinners. And many, many times I have expressed repulsion as to the vicious verbiage sometimes leveled at a particular genre of sinners which are colloquially referred to as “gays”. The range of hatred runs from Fred Phelps all the way down to the pew dweller who carelessly snickers with his friends when someone effeminate walks in front of them in the mall. The entire display is unchristian, unloving, and unredemptive. It reveals that our mantra of “hate the sin but love the sinner” is 50% inaccurate.

I read a story of a 14 year old boy from Buffalo, New York who was gay. He was mercilessly bullied, shamed, and mocked by some of his classmates as well as on the social mediums on the internet. He struggled mightily to find some type of self worth and to escape the ever constricting emotional stress. Last Monday he ended his struggle by taking his own life.

But I guess he wasn’t of the elect and God hated him. (Calvin) I guess he got what he deserved because he would not repent. I guess he’s one less member of the militant gay agenda. I guess he chose to be gay and he should have so easily began to be heterosexual. I guess he falls into the category of lost perverts. I guess Jesus did not love him or die for him. (Calvin again) I guess my sin was not nearly as bad as his.

If the above is what describes true Christianity than I am not one of them.

Read the story here.

1 comment:

kelli said...

EVERY PERSON being born into the world is being enlightened.
How are people responding to the LIGHT?
He was the true Light, which doth enlighten every man, coming to the world; John 1:9