Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Nature of Deception

Heb.2:1-3 - Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
2 For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;
3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;

Deception is multifaceted, and its strategy usually involves a malleable evolutionary process that can change tactics without changing the desired purpose. The writer of Hebrews defines it as slipping rather than falling which indicates a step by step process. Now those who are prime targets for deception are also identified in that same verse. They are those who do not give “the more earnest heed” to the Word of God.

There are two major areas that fit this description. There are those who never show an appetite for God’s Word and remain immature believers, not just because they may be doctrinally illiterate, but because their inward man is being systematically starved while their carnal nature thrives. Our churches are literally full of such professing believers. This is partly due to their own spiritual lethargy and partly due to shepherds who tell stories, jokes, and present a constant stream of “how to” messages.

The other group that lend themselves to deception are those who spend an inordinate amount of time outlining the deception, and in so doing they themselves slip into deception. Many times this kind of deception is not what usually is defined as deception, but it is a deception nonetheless.

Gal.6:3-4 - For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. 4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

Before we continue concerning the nature of deception, I want to take a moment to address something relevant to the issue. There are many deceivers in the church today, many. And their numbers are growing exponentially and with great power and persuasiveness. Some should be recognized as blatant and some are more insidious and clandestine. Many use some evangelical language, but are sprinkled with the language of the new age, or ultra pragmatism, or eastern mysticism, or other ethereal verbiage that is very nebulous and esoteric. The spiritual battle for the souls of men and the true and living gospel rages with intensity.

Although we are called to stand against such heresies, we must never consider that our spiritual food. A person can be well versed in the cults and well versed in the Biblical departures of the day and yet not reflect Christ in his personal life. We can slip into a deception that makes us think more highly of ourselves than we ought, and in so doing we stray from the steps of Jesus. It is a delicate balance and that kind of balance is rarely addressed. We assume that if you are against the teachings of Rob Bell or Rick Warren or Joel Osteen or all the many Biblical compromises that somehow that in and of itself legitimizes you as a broken vessel of Jesus Christ.

But can you see the deception here? The ground upon which all followers of Christ must walk is level. No one should be considered as a higher form of Christian based upon what he knows.

Gal.2:6 - But from those who were of high reputation (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)—well, those who were of reputation contributed nothing to me.

And in addition, I am not convinced that identifying the error in others is actually spiritual food, on the contrary, I have found it to be an opportunity for self righteousness. We must be very careful that when we deal with others we are just as quick to deal with ourselves. Pride is an extremely strong deception and it can and does make progress little by little and many times without notice. And eventually you find yourself saying things that are vicious, calling people names, mocking those with whom you disagree, and castigating lost sinners. And to soothe your conscience you drape what is obviously carnal words and attitudes with categories.

Standing for truth
Biblical orthodoxy
Coming against sin
Culture war
And many others

But in reality all of God’s Word is truth. So being “clothed in humility” is as true as the virgin birth. But the virgin birth is considered a tenant of orthodoxy while being clothed in humility is a non-essential elective. Again, deception. And by the way, I wonder if it would be considered a discernment ministry is a person researched all the ways the blog nation was unloving, prideful, ungracious, self righteous, and gossip spreading and dedicated an entire blog to it and called it a ministry? After all, truth is truth and compromising one truth is the same as compromising another. Just a thought.

Having said all that, let me move on. Sometimes people cannot understand the seriousness of what many would consider minor Biblical errors. By that I mean seemingly minor Biblical infractions while he still teaches the “cardinal doctrines” of the faith. In the “now” the dangers may not pose a doctrinal death sentence, but as Hebrews indicates, they may represent the beginning of a spiritual slide that empties into the next generation of preachers that happily build upon those errors. And in a very short time the seeds of those “minor” Biblical errors have given birth to major errors and even abominable heresies. From that perspective, perhaps the false teachers should have been confronted at doctrinal Czechoslovakia before they made their way to doctrinal Paris.

There is a difference between nit picking and addressing very legitimate issues concerning what is true. And I would contend that the two major doctrinal infractions are usually the person of Christ and the nature of salvation. These two issues, as well as some others, are the ancient landmarks that cannot, and must not, be tampered with. It is these two issues that form the foundation of the Christian faith, and if they are compromised, then we have a wholesale apostasy in progress. And although this represents a departure from sound doctrine and orthodox Christianity, it is more notably a departure from Jesus Christ Himself.

One subtle but identifiable element of the deceptive process are associations. Because of the technology in which we live, preachers can and do openly support each other’s ministries as well as fellowship together. Yes, this is guilt by association. It reveals the lack of commitment a man has to his own theology and the lack of discernment he has about others. Preacher Smith is unquestionably orthodox while Preacher Brown openly teaches falsehood. Preacher Smith should not support or fellowship with Preacher Brown. But today you have all sorts of fellowship mixtures that lend credibility to false teachers because orthodox men endorse their ministries. A case in point:

In my previous post The Shocking and Heartbreaking Reality I pointed out to you a pastor named Perry Noble. I only touched upon the carnal and unbiblical nature of his ways and teachings. But let us connect the dots.

John Piper is considered impeccably orthodox. John Piper endorses Rick Warren who has become a pervasive compromiser. Rick Warren endorses Perry Noble. So when Piper leads his people to endorse Rick Warren, many of them may endorse Perry Noble since they now trust Rick Warren. You can see the association fueled deception. And I am not saying a man cannot have lunch with someone, but these men openly endorse one another. So what seems to be a small compromise on Piper’s part has much broader implications.

Things like this are not done in a corner or with such care that they remain hidden. These things are done openly and without apology. And it isn’t just on a national level. Every believer comes into contact with teachings that seem very spiritual and alluring in the natural. And if the teacher has a warm and interesting personality then the allurement can even be stronger. And some believers strike up a friendship with someone in the church who is dabbling with false teachings. And when they give them a hearing because of their friendship they themselves are sometimes deceived. We live in “perilous times”.

So my exhortation to us all is this: Remain stedfast and vigilant concerning truth. But never let truth become dry and academic and without the Spirit of the Person of Jesus Christ. Our theology describes what we believe, our life should describe Who we believe. Do not allow doctrinal deception to slip into your life. But equally as important, do not be deceived into thinking that your rejection of error is unassailable evidence that your walk and living manifestation of Christ is pleasing to God. And it would do us all well to remember that our warfare is not with flesh and blood.

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