Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Subtle Gospel Departure

I believe we are living in the last days. I have no idea about the day or hour, but the signs are becoming more and more clear. Although Israel is a secular nation whose inhabitants deny Christ for the most part, that nation seems to figure in the last days. That does not imply that God shows them any particular favor, or that we as believers should support or not support them, it just means that God has identified the nation as an end time sign. There are many other signs such as violence, sexual perversion, greed and avarice, war, national calamities, weather anomalies, and others. And one of the most prominent signs is a great falling away from within the visible church.

It is very easy for the most elementary Bible student to see the heretical teachings of the emergent church, the liberal denominations, the ecumenical movement, the health and wealth movement, and the overall slide into lethargy and utilitarian Christianity that has swept the world. But there is another movement that is very sly and operates under a cloak of moral self righteousness and national idolatry. They are holding get togethers and so called prayer meetings to “turn America back to God”.

This is an example.

This is a very subtle form of spiritual decay, even when it is accompanied by much activity, host pastors, and contrived prayers. It has an observable element of moral hubris and a sense of religious clique-ism. There is little humility and much feistiness. And the overall ambiance does very little to represent the Spirit and Person of Jesus Christ. In fact, many of these events bring together many segments of evangelicalism whose theology is sometimes at odds with each other.
And this movement usually champions specific candidates because these people have professed some kind of faith in Christ along with an aggressive moral crusade. And an uncomfortable affection for the founding fathers, along with a fanciful historical account, is usually a requirement. The entire spectacle is counter productive to the gospel of Jesus Christ and is a false construct concerning the kingdom of God. The gathering is usually constructed with an array of speakers who attack the lost and the progressing liberal slant of the country and challenges the listeners to take back the country.

This kind of Christianity is contagious. It appeals to the patriotic spirit and does not address the deep spiritual issues that should be dealt with in the lives of such “patriots”. Abortion and gay rights are front and center, and in a remarkable departure from New Testament Christianity they usually address financial issues that are not considered pure capitalism. In reality, the entire movement is mired in nationalism and reflects a self righteous spirit of hedonism rather than a humble, self sacrificing spirit of servanthood.

Again, it must be considered an aberrant form of Christianity which draws believers away from Christ. It is more than just misguided, it rips at the very fabric of what it means to be a believing follower of Jesus Christ. I know, I used to be one. I do not claim an air of superiority, but I do claim to be grieved at such things when I think back to how I behaved and what I used to say. I know what it is to hate liberals and lost people who have immoral agendas, and I know how we can camouflage such hatred by suggesting we are “standing for the truth”. Does that even hint at the spirit of the cross?

If you are in a church who does not recognize the danger of such a movement then I suggest that you maintain a humble posture while attempting to be salt and light among the brethren. Resist the temptation to act like a prophet who thrives on correction, especially when you yourself was once deceived.

Ti.3:2-3 - To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. 3 For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.

Ah, there are the parameters in which we must live. These should be corrective commands to us all even though they are sometimes very difficult to exhibit. But like all the commandments of Christ, they must be acknowledged and practiced. Many of these nationalistic people are brothers and sisters in Christ. They must be prayed for and loved even while we correct their ways. In many ways the Christian life is a paradox, and this situation is no different. We cannot stand for one set of truths while ignoring another. And without love and humility, the gospel becomes a weapon designed to injure rather than redeem.

Oh let us return to a deeper reflection of the Lord Jesus, and a more painful denial of our own interests. His interests must be our interests, and He has no interest in politics or any so called “national interests”. Jesus is the King of a kingdom, one in which we have been made a part through faith in His death and resurrection. That cannot be our main interest, that must be our exclusive interest. Be on guard for any movement whose focus is not the Lord Jesus and His gospel. A good rule of thumb is this: If it’s new, it’s probably not true.


Anonymous said...

What an excellent post!!! I think I'll share this one on facebook for my friends to read. Thank you for writing on this important topic! God bless.

Rick Frueh said...

Thank you, brother. I reiterate for those who do not know: All my posts can be reposted anywhere without my permission.

vicki530 said...

A very welcome observation. I've learned that many Christians don't want to hear what you've written here. When I've brought this subject up they ask me if I've "gone liberal." That question really points out that they are seeing this as a political issue and oblivious to the spiritual aspects...things like that we were never instructed to "take the city or the nation" for Jesus. I think many mistake morality and conservatism for being 'born again.' I fear some are mistaking their political causes for entrance through the narrow gate. You are right, it's very sly, very subtle indeed.

Artskoe said...

I don't know you, Pastor Rick, but my question is do you know Rick Perry? You are from Florida, do you know Marco Rubio? These men profess faith as do you (and I, BTW). At least RP is not doing "politics as usual." No man is perfect and no candidate will be as well. But he is doing SOMETHING. He might just be praying, subtly or otherwise, for the things our Lord taught us to pray for - how do you know that will not happen, in spite of the fact that there may even be Muslims in attendance. There is no Christian ID card for you to check at the door. Please leave prophesy to the Lord, in the meantime can we pray our nation repents and votes for the freedoms we once enjoyed?

Rick Frueh said...

Artskoe - Thank you for commenting. I do not believe God deals with nations in this gospel age. America has always been a pluralistic nation and recognizes all religions as equal. To effect change without changing hearts is humanism. The American political system is built upon self elevation, castigating of opponents, embellishment of accomplishments, hollow promises, and obscene amounts of money.

The so called freedoms we once enjoyed have become intoxicating and on some level idols. There is no authentic freedom outside of Christ, and the national freedoms are designed to allow sinners and heretics to flourish as well.

yes, I once voted the straight Republican ticket until in 2000 I realized that such things were futile. Even if you believe the pro-life president could help overturn R v.W, I draw your attention to this fact: George Bush never sent one bill to congress suggesting that abortion be made illegal.

Such is the nature of politics, it corrupts men of faith. We need to pray for the church before we can pray for the nation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for this wisdom. Before reading this, I wondered where I could find a Godly word that the church desperately needs to hear. If those in the church don't see the subtle adoration shifted to "men" and "women" and "patriotism" and away from Jesus, then the apostasy has begun.

I feel that some conservative politicians along with their constituents are hurting sincere christians' reputations who really have servant's hearts, and are being branded in with this new kind of political/patriotic/nationalistic/God is on our side christian. This new brand has become a cliquish self-satisfied, self-entitled group of complainers rather than being thankful worshippers. Thankfulness doesn't seem to be a fruit seen in this new brand. Lots of complaining, but no humility or thankfulness. No mention either of praying for those that we disagree with; praying for God to be merciful despite the sin that abounds in the nation, and that we all partake from.

Jon Cardwell said...

I'm a johnny-come-lately to this particular post, Rick (seeing as how you published it in July), but thanks for a very well-written and thoughtful presentation of this issue.

Departures from from the gospel, however subtle it may be, and however passionate it may seem is still a departure from the gospel.

I hope to be able to catch up on the other articles. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.