Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The Despot Called Democracy

Democracy is just another form of despotism. In the case of democracy, the despot is man’s own fallen nature.


Anonymous said...

We've been studying ancient Greece and Rome.
The books say democracy began with the Greeks and they talk of how wonderful it is...and then they go on to tell of what happened next - the wars, the revolutions when power became intolerably corrupted, the slaves that had no voice.
Yeah, that democracy is a wonderful thing alright. And this country is going the way of Greece and Rome.
If only we would look to Paul and all the other apostles to see how they lived in those circumstances and follow their lead.

Rick Frueh said...

It has become an idol, hasn't it. And the sad thing is that the church has embraced the world's system, even to the point of recklessly assigning divine favor to fallen constructs.

Deception abounds today.