I do not go on Facebook, however my children do. My oldest son told me that a professing believer, a Bible college student with a Calvinist theology, posted about the death of Christopher Hitchens. He said that Hitchens was now “maggot food”. It is darkened hearts like that which profoundly misrepresent the heart of God.
Christopher Hitchens has died at age 62. He was a brilliant man and I always found him intriguing. He wrote the book “God is Not Great” which outlined the many ways in which religion has contributed to the world’s ills. He was basically correct.
However his analysis was fatally flawed. His research centered upon the sins of man and not the Sinless Savior. In the same way Gandhi allowed himself to reject Christ because of the flawed lives of professing believers, so Hitchens rejected all religion due to the inconsistent ways in which man has expressed his religion.
I feel sad today for Hitchens, as I do when any unbeliever dies. Today, Christopher Hitchens has discovered that everything he believed was eternally wrong and there is nothing he can do to change his situation. Let us all use this opportunity to witness once again to those around us who are currently in danger of the same fate as Hitchens. Perhaps the Spirit can open a hardened heart before it is too late.
I see people reject religion and I understand...I get it.
They point out what is wrong with it and they're right -
but when they also reject Christ...
and then they die before they can change their minds about that...before they can have their eyes opened...
it is too tragic for words.
I'm very, very sorry for Mr. Hitchens. Very, very sorry.
But by the grace of God go I.
Before I was saved in 1975 I never knew any born again believers, in fact, I never knew there was such a thing. I was saved watching Billy Graham on television.
I wonder how things might have been different if I had known some professing believers who were carnal, mean, and generally inconsistent in their walk.
The Bible College student needs prayer as well. Thank you for letting us know about this so those of us so inclined can pray for him.
Just reading the update; disheartening to hear christians call atheists who die "maggot food". How do they know the person didn't have a conversion experience just before they died? For the families of the departed, the pain in hearing a "christian" writing something like this is unfortunate.
I remember a christian friend whose son died in a car accident was tormented by wondering how right his soul was before he passed on. She was encouraged to hear that he could have, may have, had time to ask for God's forgiveness, or to ask Jesus to take him to paradise, like the thief on the cross. None of us know the hearts, or the timing, or the Lord's ways and involvement in these things.
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