Friday, April 15, 2011

A person can commit adultery and still be saved. A person can speed willingly and still be saved. A person can lie and still be saved. A person can hate and still be saved. A person can be prayer less and still be saved. A person can not read God’s Word and still be saved. A person can never witness and still be saved. A person can gossip and still be saved. A person can sexually gratify himself and still be saved. A person can lust after his neighbor and still be saved.

But yet, a person can struggle with homosexuality and not be saved?

What kind of grace is that?

The answer?

Man made.

1 comment:

John Marsh said...

I have never heard someone teach that a person can struggle with homosexuality and not be saved, but it does not surprise me. Struggle is one thing saying homosexuality is not sin is another. I pray for my lesbian and homosexual acquaintances
that they will come to know our savior Jesus Christ.