Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Halleluiah! What a Savior!!!


If we have lost a desire and even a thirst to be with Christ then we have lost what it truly means to be His child. Over the centuries the church has added so much temporal weight and manmade obstructions that a clear and majestic portrait of Jesus has now been all but lost. Is He not the Lord of our faith? Is He not our Redeemer and our Savior? How then can we clutter ourselves with temporal desires and ecclesiastical complexities and blot out His glorious light? How often do we stop and think, much less meditate, upon those crimson scars that He endured for us?

Do not settle for earthly pottage when the table that has been provided is filled with eternal delicacies that can fill the heart with Him. Jesus is not some doctrinal concept where we check the orthodox boxes and claim to have Him. He is a Being, a divine Person whose presence is everywhere but only available to those who have been redeemed. But oh there is so much more even on this earth.

Because the hustle and bustle of this modern culture has demanded our time and our thoughts we have all nut surrendered any quality, to say nothing of sacrificial, time seeking and communing with our Blessed Lord. And there is absolutely nothing in this world that can compare with time dwelling in His presence. But the current generation knows nothing of it. The faith has become so utilitarian that any kind of deeper experience is deemed mysticism. Today professing believers practice an iPhone type of faith which is small and convenient and can do many other things than just dwell on Jesus.

But Jesus is real and alive and not just some distant historical figure who only comes alive during an Easter pageant. In fact He is, so to speak, reading this along with you. He is there with you if you are a believer. And yet we treat Him like a doctrinal being who jumps through our theological hoops upon command. His Being is infinite and His presence is all pervasive and His glory can permeate the soul. He is holy beyond our comprehension and powerful beyond our capacity to understand. His love for us is everlasting even though He knows fully who we were and that we still fall very short.

And yet He desires to commune with us and reveal Himself to us more and more? Halleluiah! What a Savior!!!

There will come a day when all has been said and done and where time is just a memory and what is commonly called eternity actually begins in all its previously unseen glory. And on that day those who believed on the Lord Jesus will find that they had actually no idea what eternal life would mean. After all the struggles and all the pain and all the hollowness of this temporal world has passed, then and only then can we experience what eternity with Christ really will encompass.

Now we see through a darkened glass sometimes squinting at the unseen and really the unknowable. But then, face to face as it were, we will know just as we are known now. You may think you know something of the expanse of heaven and the glory of the Risen Christ but you, just like I, are blind men peering at glories about which we really cannot know at this time.

But upon our first moment in the complete and spiritually visible presence of the Lamb of God will not our beings be overwhelmed with limitless awe and wonder? As we gaze at Him without any temporal obstruction or our feeble attempts to visualize that about which we were granted just a small but majestic glance, how can we worship fully Him from whose face the earth and heavens fled? And therein lies the greatest and deepest mystery of all. We will never tire, and we will never be distracted, and we will never have a sense of time, and we will never lack strength, and we will never experience any sense of redundancy even while we worship and adore Him for, yes, forever.

And as the throng of blood washed saints join in the eternal chorus of unimaginable praise we will finally and with a comprehension that is absolutely perfect realize that we have been granted this unspeakable gift through His grace alone. And if we were to look around and attempt to find some human works we would be on a fool’s errand.

You see, even any service we had done in earnest for Him are now trophies glistening before His throne which also reflect His grace and not one speck of us. And drowning in that kind of knowledge our worship will be what defines us all for all eternity. Halleluiah! What a Savior!!!


Anonymous said...

I remember back, when I'd have trials a sister from church would say to me and everyone with problems, "Jesus is the answer", or "look to Jesus". I'd get a bit frustrated at that that and think to myself that this sister was too vague and just wanted to brush us off.

Now I look back at that woman's words (she went through so many trials, dozens of surgeries, sickness, joblessness, cancer, etc., yet God raised her out of all her troubles). I understand now - Jesus IS the only one who knows where we are, and what we're going through. Back then, I'd feel undercut by those comments, thinking "they say that Jesus is everything just so they don't have to reach out, or don't have to involve themselves with other people". But today, there are some things that no one can help the brethren with, there are inner struggles that no one can fix with a verse or a slight of hand on quoting scripture over and over. I realize now that there are some things that only JESUS can fix.

So, yet, my church sister was right all along. I've had to grow alone now and Jesus has stuck by with me all this time, even when I didn't deserve it. Jesus IS the answer.

Halleluiah!! Indeed what a Savior!!


Anonymous said...

Just sharing this song, if it's permissible with Bro. Rick. It just lifts my soul.

(Matt Redman) 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)



Cherie c. said...

Great Song J! Halleluiah ! What a Savior, Amen and Amen!

your sister in Christ Jesus,
Cherie c.

Anonymous said...

That woman from church was right when she said "Jesus is the answer", or "look to Jesus".
Dear reader, do you get a bit frustrated on hearing such good advice and think to yourself that this advice is too vague - a brush off. Truly Almighty God is the only one who knows where we are, and what we're going through and yes He can raise us out of all our troubles!!

There are not just some things that only JESUS can fix. He is the very source of our life. He coordinates with God our Father and the holy Spirit all aspects of our life. Without Him not only can we do nothing but would accomplish nothing of merit. Truly Jesus can bless us with everything we need!

Halleluiah!! Indeed what a Savior!!

Annette said...

Great Post...very moving.

Like children, we are all so desperately in need of more of Jesus.

So thankful He is in control of everything as we seek Him in every aspect of our lives.