Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Social Justice


Social justice must be the fruits of those who have believed the gospel and not the gospel itself. It must be a path to open hearts to the gospel and, again, never the gospel itself.


Anonymous said...

This is so true.

I get confused when listening to those during this election cycle talk about social justice as though it is somehow 'unchristian' because it's done through secular ways and doesn't preach the gospel. But, it shows the fruit of the Spirit of Christ, because he said whoever does this to the least of these, does it to Me. Showing charity to others by any means is showing how Christ loves us. People may not be doing it for any other reason than to help others, but Jesus said "whoever" gives a cup to the thirsty, gives it to Him" (paraphrasing here).

He didn't express whether it was a Muslim, or any other religious person, it was just anyone who shows compassion. That's the beginning of a seed planted in that giver's heart, as the more he reaches out, the more he is blessed with the joy of caring for others, and this fruit may yield a spiritual harvest some day. Why should we discourage them?

When I read or listen to remarks made by over-zealous christians who taunt and tease those politicians or elected officials who are 'community organizers', I cringe. They hate it when government steps in, and would have us believe that that isn't necessary, and that only churches and christians should give to their communities. It is irrational to think that church members could come up with enough cash to help all the complex needs of society. It just isn't feasible.

Thank the Lord for charitable governments who care for their needy and poor, and mentally disabled, drug-addicted, homeless, etc. If they were left to themselves, I can guarantee that the biggest barkers in the church wouldn't be that eager to help once the social safety nets were gone.

Anonymous said...

I could be incorrect, but I think what Pastor Frueh was counseling was that Social Justice - if held as a separate tenet from the mercy of Christ, rather than the fruits of Christ's love - can become its own form of idolatry. So therefore, preaching or enforcing social justice divorced from Jesus is also dangerous. Charitable giving that cares for their needy or poor, but deny the gospel, do not seek to glorify the Lord; they seek to supplant Him.

Rick Frueh said...

You are correct.