Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pro-Life Hypocrites

Conception via Rape or Incest is not Life?
Imagine a law that was about to be enacted in 1941 Germany. The bill stated that all Jews were to be spared, however there were two exceptions. Any Jew that was of the tribes of Levi or Judah would be put to death. Now suppose you lived in Germany at that time, could you support such a bill? Would that make you comfortable? Would you consider it a step in the right direction?

Perhaps we can find wiggle room when it comes to taxes, or when it comes to foreign policy, but what wiggle room is there in murder? Anyone who reads my blog knows I rarely address such issues, however the hypocrisy of pro-life politicians is breathtaking. Here are Ralph Reed’s observations:

“I don’t think that the Republican Party has ever nominated someone for president who didn’t advocate for an exception for rape and incest and the life of the mother,” said Ralph Reed, who leads the Faith and Freedom Coalition. “So the party has always had a diversity of views on that point.”

Still, Reed said that diversity is mostly born of political reality, as opposed to reflecting serious debate among anti-abortion activists over whether abortion should be legal in certain circumstances. The fact is that Republican politicians who don’t advocate exceptions for abortion bans are less likely to win election.

Here are Paul Ryan’s thoughts:

“Look, I’m proud of my record,” Ryan said at a brief news conference on his plane. “I’m proud of my record. Mitt Romney is going to be president and the president sets policy. His policy is exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. I’m comfortable with it because it’s a good step in the right direction.”

Wiggle room for murder at the expense of political expediency. If you believe life begins at conception, then does life begin with a rape conception or a conception from incest? But, you ask, how can you get elected if you take such a complete stance? If you cannot get elected upon what you truly believe, then do not get elected. These politicians are not interested in the unborn, they are interested in getting elected. Oh yes, they convince themselves that once elected they will fight for all unborn babies. But trace the history of the congress all the way back to 1980.

Even when Republicans were in power in both houses of congress abortion was still legal. No president - NONE - has ever introduced legislation to ban abortions. And if you hide behind the “only legislators can introduce bills” then I ask you this: Which president was passionate about it? Yes, they were passionate about the economy and communism and illegal aliens, but abortion?

Let’s say Hitler had been assassinated, and they held an election to replace him. And a candidate was elected who ran on a platform that would do away with the continuing Holocaust, but when he got elected he did nothing about it except print pamphlets about his “non-oven” stance. Would you be comfortable with that? If you were a Jew you would not feel safe. And the unborn cannot feel safe either regardless who gets elected. To say that in cases of rape or incest abortion is acceptable and legal is to say that in those cases of conception a person/soul is not created.

There are many cases where rape babies and also incest children have grown up to be people just like us. However that is incidental. If life begins at conception, then all conceptions are sacred. Every last one. But if the life of the mother is in jeopardy, then each case must be examined. Sometimes if the mother dies the unborn child cannot live. I have no ironclad views on that.

In the mid seventies I was an associate pastor in Florida. A woman from the church became pregnant with her second child and we all rejoiced. A few months into her pregnancy the doctor noticed something in an ultra sound. (primitive in those days) The baby’s head was larger than normal. After a few weeks it grew even larger, and the unborn baby was diagnosed as suffering from hydro encephalitis, a condition where water accumulates around the brain. There are different levels of this condition.

But here baby’s head began to swell enormously, and it was growing at an alarming rate. The doctor suggested she terminate her pregnancy since he was sure the baby could not survive and her health could also be in jeopardy. This mother did not have a peace about that even though she could see why the doctor felt that way. She came into the pastor’s office and according to James we anointed her and prayed for her baby.

She was scheduled to go back to the doctor in a short time, but she was determined not to have an abortion. I would not have blamed her if she did. But when the doctor took another ultrasound, he thought there was something wrong with the machine. After doing another ultrasound with another machine the doctor called in another doctor who looked at the series of ultrasounds taken over several weeks. The doctors could not explain what they saw, but it seemed the baby’s head was now normal. That baby is now a man in his twenties. That case was passed around new doctors in hospitals to show them that sometimes unexplained things happen.

I provided that story to show you how we sometimes limit God. However, if life begins at conception, then as a believer we cannot, we must not, support the termination of pregnancies just because they are unwanted. We must be compassionate to victims, however when it comes to murder there is no common ground. I wonder if Paul Ryan would feel comfortable if Romney supported gay marriage? In fact, Paul Ryan would feel very uncomfortable with the Romney of a few years ago.

Oh dear believers please see how politics compromises almost everyone. And a true believer could never get elected in today’s climate without severely compromising his beliefs. What of they asked you if Jesus was the only way to heaven? Perhaps you would answer as did President Bush who suggested all religions lead to God. Every believer in Jesus must compromise to get elected. At the very least he must focus on economics or the major moral issues. He must pay homage to America and the founding fathers. Is it worth jumping into a muddy pig pen? Only if you are attempting to save some pigs.

Go ahead and run on a platform of the cross and you may not even carry the majority of the church.

But I have written this post in hopes a few more eyes will be opened.
And just in case you still hold onto some misguided thoughts that elections can change anything spiritually and that God has a favorite, let me add this little nugget. On the night that Mitt Romney will speak at the convention, the Republican party has asked a Mormon bishop to offer the invocation. So this moral majority party will invite the spirit of antichrist to stand before them and speak to a demon. Roll that around in your head. So in effect millions of professing believers will vote for Romney because they hate Obama more? I believe God finds that kind of reasoning spirtually bankrupt.
So which God will you serve?


JMD said...

I am out of touch, probably because we don't have tv but I recently found out that abortions can be performed for sex selection. How heartbreaking that we are murdering our own children and there appears few on the side to demand and end.

Steve said...

"professing believers will vote for Romney because they hate Obama more?"

Indeed, that seems to have been the enemy's plan with the 4 years we've had of "Christian" Obama-bashing.

Never mind that it's contrary to what Christians are commanded to do for their secular rulers, pray (and NOT for their death).

satan's purpose seems to have come down to this: Christians will choose to follow a man who follows the Mormon spirit of anti-Christ...because they've so warped their spiritual perceptions that satan's spirit seems the lesser of two evils !!

How can we not mourn for the American Church ? How can God bear with us any longer ?

In Jesus, Steve