Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vote for Death by Volume

Anyone who votes for either presidential candidate is voting for a pro-death candidate. One believes in abortion across the board while the other believes in abortion in certain circumstance. It’s like eating a pie that is 3% poison because the other one is 100% poison. Both pies are death. This entire political genre is the playground of Lucifer and has no part in God’s Kingdom. Now, go vote.

But remember to leave your conscience and your Bible at home.

There are only two kinds of professions of faith in Jesus - true and false. God does not consider a false confession as a "step in the right direction". And God does not deal in volume when it comes to unborn babies. If a person suggested that for every 1 million babies we could murder one, God would not be in favor of that. You see, unlike man, God deals in absolute truth and not in political compromises. Go ahead and vote, but if you do every unborn baby that is ripped from its mother's womb will be on your hands.
President Obama and Mitt Romeny are the very same person. One openly says who he is. The other hides behind his latest politcial garb which seems very different than his previous fashion statements. I would suggest that anyone who can get elected in Massachusetts is either a liberal, a liar, or both. I do not believe the lesser of two evils is a Biblical principle.

Politics(definition) - One liar calling another liar a liar.
"Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character."
(I, God, approved this message.)


JMD said...

Do you preach this from the pulpit? Just curious because I have never heard a minister say this at the pulpit.

Rick Frueh said...

I am retired, but yes, I preach such things because they are true. However they are offensive to the politically inclined. Most of the pulpits have been bought off by the culture.

Anonymous said...

You didn't offend me I approve your message. This will be the first year that I WILL NOT vote!-Noel

Rick Frueh said...

Great Noel. I suggest people pray or even fast on election day, not for the nation, but for our own sins and for the Spirit to make us more like Him.

Cheryl said...

AMen Brother Rick,, AMEN,,,love your bold words of TRUTH!!

maranatha, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

LOVE the TRUTH,,,and u wrote it,,

Maranatha, Cheryl