Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pat Robertson and Planned Parenthood


Pat Roberston is the founder of the 700 club which is a theatrical/ political/religious form of entertainment. Mr. Robertson recently gave his thumbs up for a husband to divorce his wife who had Alzheimer’s disease and was no longer capable of taking care of herself. He also blames 9/11 and Katrina as God’s judgment for the gay community. But recently he gave his “sage” advice on this question.


“…a woman sent in a question about a man who wouldn’t marry her because she has children who were adopted internationally. If they were her “own” biological children, he would have no problem, she said. But because they were adopted, he saw too much risk. Host Pat Robertson’s female co-host bristled and said he was acting like a “dog.” Robertson disagreed. He (Robertson) said the man “didn’t want to take on a United Nations,” and that, after all, you never know about adopted children; they might have brain damage and “grow up weird.””

Can there be anything less Christian and more narcissistic? I have never adopted a child, however I have great admiration and respect for those who have. And I also know people who have adopted special needs children as well as international children. Pat Robertson, a millionaire many times over, represents Planned Parenthood much more than he does Jesus. I refer you to this previous post:

The Truth About Christian Television

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me, in the past fifteen years Pat Robertson (whom I consider senile) has ceased preaching Christianity and is now promoting a kind of secular-humanist "gospel" of utilitarianism and convenience. If something (even another human being) isn't "useful" and "convenient", trash it. Assassinating a foreign head of state is OK if it supports "our" political position. If you're destroyed by a tornado, it's your fault because you didn't move out of Oklahoma or didn't pray hard enough. Reminds me of my unsaved, alcoholic, secular-humanist, I-am-always-right, nominal Catholic parents and relatives, who went to their graves believing there was a verse in the Bible that said, "God doesn't exist in America unless everyone in it is White Anglo-Saxon or White European, and they are all combinations of Jesus, Ron Paul, Einstein, and J. Paul Getty."