Saturday, June 12, 2010

What Has Democracy Taught the Church?

It has taught us to join with unbelievers
It has taught us to crusade for moral causes above the gospel
It has taught us to murmur and complain and call it speaking out
It has taught us to protect our wealth
It has taught us to elevate certain men
It has taught us to despise the lost
It has taught us that change can come through the weight of human effort
It has taught us that we have power aside from Christ
It has taught us that carnal men, dead and alive, are heroes
It has taught us that women can leave their home and children for elected office
It has taught us that more money is always the goal
It has taught us that the gospel is just a compartment in our western lives
It has taught us to believe liars
It has taught us that war is a way to spread democracy and a Christian option as well
It has taught us to be nationally self righteous
It has taught us that the Tower of Babble is still possible

And in summation, democracy has taught the church to leave Christ and embrace Babylon and exonerating ourselves by suggesting we can and should change Babylon by a combination of politics and religion. We do not need to reassess our priorities and thought processes; we need to repent fully and come out from among them and be separate. Until then the church will continue to be saltless, lightless, and powerless in a dark culture. Unless you believe mere words and espousing certain theologies constitutes salt, light, and power. The early church had much more salt, light, and power than they did an intricate theology. And their King was Jesus not a more conservative Caesar.

It cost them their lives…a fate from which this church has nothing to fear.

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