Friday, June 25, 2010

Donating to God's Enemies

Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.

The church borrows much more than those thirty pieces of silver from the spirits of antichrist today. How many pieces of silver in the form of usury, coming directly from the local Christian assemblies, are used for causes in direct conflict with the gospel of Jesus Christ? It is amazing how easily we can abrogate the clear teachings of Scripture when those teachings stand in the way of something we believe to be good. Many things we believe to be good and right are actually hindrances to the gospel. The practices of any culture must never be allowed to supersede Biblical teachings and slowly eradicate the remarkable essence of the church.
When the church has to borrow funds from the antichrist banking system and pays its loans back with substantial interest it openly shows the world that our God cannot provide and that we are willing to support causes that we are against in order to build meeting places. Banks use interest to make loans to abortion clinics, planned parenthood, bars, strip clubs, and all kinds of other enterprises that preachers preach against with their lips but lead their congregations to support with their wallets. Our hypocrisy is astounding and like Samson we do not even realize it.

Constantine has become the George Washington of the modern church construct.

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