Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A True Seeker
To seek His face. Two lovers are sitting at a table. Where do they look? They are gazing into each other’s faces.
And so exhorts the psalmist and the Apostle Paul. The glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ. So do we even know how to seek His face? Is obeying the tenants of the faith, and avoiding certain sins, does that life count as seeking His face? And if the Scriptures teach us to seek His face, then it must mean His face can be found. He rewards those who diligently seek Him, says the writer of Hebrews.
We seem to be diligent about so many things, but are we diligently seeking Him? I do not mean diligently seeking doctrine, or theology, or even sinners. Do we seek His face? It seems so ethereal and so esoteric and even so mystical, and yet it is Scriptural. But the western lifestyle has lured us into Martha’s kitchen and made obsolete the place of Mary’s resting.
Has Jesus become another facet of our faith or is He the life breath of our existence? Do we know the theology better thaqn we know the Redeemer? Am I just a believer or am I a seeker as well? I must return to the passion I once had when I had just met Christ and knew nothing of doctrine and theology. In some ways I knew Him better then than I do now.

Thy face, Lord, will I seek.

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