Thursday, August 30, 2007

Revival is when the Holy Spirit awakens the church and breaths new life into her. There is a new vison of God Almighty and the Lord Jesus, and repentance becomes our daily bread. The grace of God becomes tangible and we cannot help but seek the face of the Savior. The issues of this life become unimporatnt and our hearts are broken and desire to be filled with Him in all His fullness. A supernatural love for the brethren is a river that overflows from the banks of His love, and we become captured by His presence even in our everyday lives. And nothing can be planned or manipulated, the Spirit of God like a mighty wind blows anywhere and everywhere He wills. Man can only unfurl his poor sails and catch the powerful gusts of God's power and in obedience to those divine gales the Lord Jesus is glorified both in heaven and on earth.

Have you ever read or heard of some of the great revivals, where the Spirit of God so moved upon His people that all concern about anything else ceased and the body of Christ sought the face of Christ as one? Whole towns were transformed by God’s power and repentance spread through the church like wildfire. Secret sins were exposed, marriages were healed, worship became life, and the world was transfixed at the demonstration of the Spirit as it moved through God’s people.

Some of the most pronounced sinners would come unexpectedly into a church service and were brought to their knees before the preacher could even begin the message. Entire congregations would sink before the pews and cry out unashamedly for God to cleanse them and save them from hell. Work places would close on weekdays as the owners met the Living Christ, and people would actually run to the church house. Lights would burn in the windows of houses as entire families would be crying out to God.

Prayer meetings were observed every night and the taverns were closed many times for good. Diminutive preachers with very little speaking skills would be so anointed of the Spirit that in the middle of the seemingly insignificant sermon the pastor and his wife would stand and loudly confess they had grown cold on God and they were begging Him for a fresh awakening in their own lives. It was not uncommon for strangers to enter the city and see people on their faces in the park, confessing their sins and interceding for entire towns, and without knowing why they were drawn to go join them, some who would not be saved until that night.

In one of the revivals in Wales the Spirit of God so transformed the coal miners that when they descended into the mines, and when they commanded the little ponies to pull the wagons, the ponies would not even move. It wasn’t until later they discovered that the ponies did not recognize those commands because of the absence of swear words. On rare occasions a violent man would come to do the preacher harm and be struck dead in front of the congregation which led to wholesale conversions.

Do you not thirst for God to move among us today in that fashion? Do you ever get tired of the fighting and bickering among us and do you not long to experience a flood of God's Spirit that will strip us of us? What would the newspapers report if they saw the body of Christ consumed with prayer, consumed with the Word, consumed with repentance, consumed with worship and shining the love of Christ in their lives and on their lips? And what would the worldly media think when they saw such a surrender, such a love, and such power that was manifested in the church that services were held nightly and the place was packed? Revival, oh yes, revival. The greatest hindrance to revival is not sin or unbelief, and it isn’t worldliness or hedonism, and it isn’t even prayerlessness or complacency. The greatest hindrance to revival is that the church doesn’t even realize we need it more than we need the breath we breathe.

Watch this VIDEO and let God speak to your heart.


Jonathan Frueh said...

Oh, that we might see it...that we might see it!

jul said...

Glad to have found your blog and looking forward to reading more! (I love that first paragraph...)

Anonymous said...

Amen! Let it begin with me. Father, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me!!!!

Mike Ratliff said...

Bring it Lord!!!!

Baptist Girl said...

We need to fall in love with Jesus again. How can we say we love HIm with all we have, when we do not give Him all we have to give. A revival is needed so much. Thank you for sharing the video. Rick


Anonymous said...


Thank you! I watched the video and I learned something. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for His suffering. I don't know how many times I read that but now it seemed to come to life. The preacher went to Africa because he thought the poor souls needed to hear the gospel is wrong thinking. The Lamb is worthy of His reward! Amen! Bless You! Deb