Friday, November 10, 2006

Dagon Falls Again

I Sam.5:4 - And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the Lord...

God will not share His glory with anyone or anything. Not Allah, not Moses, not Buddha, not Mohammed, not Democrats, and not Republicans. How did evangelical Christianity ever get caught up with politics I'll never know. It stems from an attempt to create morality without the cross which is not only impossible, it is a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God. There is now something I call depraved morality. It is legislating morality that disguises and whitewashes the inside mausoleum of dead men's bones piled up individually and nationally.

For instance if Hugh Hefner tells the truth that is called depraved morality, a morality motivated by the depraved flesh and not the Holy Spirit. We are not called to preach morality or conservative politics, it is all an illusion that appears well intentioned but it is a Christ-less work at its core. Democracy was invented by the humanistic Greeks and we have attempted to Christianize it and God will have none of it. And not only does the church participate, we allow - get ready for this - we allow unregenerate people to trample into our churches and vote for abortion and gay marriages, the same issues that so many are worried about. Yes, some churches are used as voting places and some people vote in rebellion against God in the very house that people use to worship the Lord Jesus. To say it is a disgrace is an understatement.

OK, imagine Moses says to God's people "This Tuesday I am going to open the Tabernacle for everyone to come and vote. It will be open for Israelites, Assyrians, Philistines, Moabites, and anyone who desires to vote for whoever they desire to lead us. I've decided not to ask God who should lead, I'm going to let all of you decide. Now when you enter pull the sacred badger skins around you so no one sees who you vote for and use the golden candlestick light to see your ballot. I'll have extra showbread on the table as a courtesy and some nice incense for your enjoyment. When you have voted, proceed into the Holy of Holies, lift up the mercy seat, and place your ballot in the Ark of the Covenant."

Do you feel a little sick after reading that? We should because that is how God feels when we let the heathen come into the building we have separated to worship Him and we let them in essence vote against God himself in His own place of New Testament worship. Why don't we feel offended? Because we were born into this modern religious right genre and we haven't really thought about it in those terms. We have placed Dagon in the room with the presence of God and by that we have desecrated the house of worship. And last Tuesday the political Dagon bowed before God's will again. Does it make us feel sad? Let us repent.

If we want to see the glory of God we will have to seek the face of Jesus Christ, if we want to see politics we'll have to visit Gehenna. Politics is a filthy business filled with braggadocio, false promises, name calling, compromise, and lots and lots of money. There was more money spent on this mid-term than any other while brothers and sisters in Christ in Darfur go without food and shelter. Politics is the church where Muslims, Jews, atheists, Humanists, Roman Catholics, Mormons, and evangelicals pray to the same God of the Universe, together. The stench of our earthly games must rise up before our Heavenly father, especially when he sees His children spend more time in the voting booth than the prayer closet.

King Uzziah sincerely entered the Temple to thank God for his political success and offer up incense. Upon learning of this, Azariah and eighty priests demanded he leave God's house, and when the King got mad God struck him with leprosy until the day he died. It is interesting to note that in the same year that King Uzziah died the prophet Isaiah saw the revealed Christ high and sitting on His throne, after the politician died. Let the politics go and let us pray that we see the Risen Christ, high and lifted up and sitting on a throne, and His presence filling our houses of worship. Away with the religious right, away with the legislated morality, away with politicians coming into our worship seeking votes not God. And what of the election results, did we not pray enough or vote enough? No, God is calling us to our knees to seek Him, not elections, and we should come out from among them and be separate. The Lord has put a difference between us and the Egyptians.

God has piped and we have not danced to the pipes of His glory, no, we have danced like marionettes to the hedonistic melodies of the world and not the shofar of the Archangel calling us to worship. The Israelites cried, "We have no king but Caesar", and we have echoed those blasphemous words as the church has willingly washed herself in the melting pot of carnal politics again and again. Well, look at the work of your worldly hands you who trust in politics, look and howl as God haters now completely rule as God Himself is sending us a warning to seek Him. Pinocchio's political strings have been cut and he lies outside the city in the embers of Gehenna. Watch as the Supreme Court is packed with unregenerate God haters, God isn't worried, He who sits in the heavens laughs and He will have them in confusion. Let them place nine playboy bunnies in the Supreme Court, it doesn't affect the Sovereign Throne of Yeshua Adonai one bit. God rules in august sovereignty unaffected by the plans of man, so release these foolish dreams and look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith! Not the electorate but the Elector Himself!!!

But remember God is eternally interested in His bride. Let us cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. The time for games is over, everything but the gospel is sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. The "America is a Christian nation" lie has been exposed, the emperor has no clothes. We have no king but Jesus and to Him alone we bow. It may be time for such a sweeping separation that is so significant that it astonishes the world and moves the Hand of God. And if the world was so shocked by us they asked the reason for our hope, and when we told them, would they not wonder why we ever were drawn by the sirens of this present world system. We have no kingdom but God's!! Would God graciously grant to us weeks of fasting, consecutive nights of intercession, weeping, mourning, open confession, believing the Word, living Jesus before the world, sacrificial giving to missions, self denying humility, and a sensitivity to the moving of the precious Holy Spirit of Almighty God? And after deep and burning repentance, the apocalypse of the Lord Jesus Christ, with seven stars in His right hand, and with a sharp two-edged Sword going forth out of His mouth, would be revealed in His body, the church. And we could see what we've been told was possible but up to now was only history, not current events. And we would not have to verbally convince our children that we believed in the power of Almighty God, they would witness it!!

If not, then let's get ready. 2008 is coming and we need to defeat Hilary, whoever she is.


Baptist Girl said...

Hi Rick,

I see (and no I'm not Prophesising lol) a day that will come when the Governments will try and force all churches to be open up to homosexual marriages. Here in Canada I can see it coming in the years ahead. I wonder if you will see the church meeting back in homes again because I know those Pastors that are true followers of Christ will not marry homosexuals. More and more I am so disgusted with the Canadian Government and how they stand up for immorality. We have a Conservative Government in office right now, but even then I wonder how far they will go to keep a vote.


Anonymous said...

Wow Rick.

I thought of this scripture:

Jdg 9:14 And all the trees said to the bramble bush, You come, reign over us.

I received a couple of emails the other day that brought to light a few things for me.

One said that 'Churches who want to keep their 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, must refrain from overt political activity. Specifically, pastors or church representatives may not use their official capacity to endorse any one candidate, nor do too much to advocate for the adoption or rejection of specific legislation'.

Then another email from Sojourners... you know that Jim Wallis guy who said this:

For years, we have watched the proliferation of voter’s guides from the Religious Right that did all but actually endorse only right-wing Republican candidates. Before the 2004 election, their narrow list of “non-negotiables” included abortion, stem-cell harvesting, homosexual marriage, human cloning, and euthanasia. All the wider issues that the scriptures speak to were simply ignored. Never have we seen such a partisan use, abuse, and manipulation of religion. Well, those days are over...

My question about the above statement is this... If the church has opened up its doors to politics as you have said it has done, then does the government have the right to look into the tax laws governing that church?

It is becoming all the more obvious to me that America's line of Separation of Church and State has become very blurry indeed.

Here in Australia, we are following the same path with a party called 'Family First' which I see red flags waving at me which are causing me concern.

Someone once said to me that I would be good in politics ... I said you wouldn't catch me doing that because I won't compromise on truth.

So I agree wit you 100% when you said that politics is dirty game. You cannot remain clean when you are in a system that is man-made and fallible.

The only government that will work 100% is Christ's when He comes again!

I say Marantha