A Time to Rejoice!
II Cor.:11 - …In everything you demonstrated yourselves to be innocent in the matter.
Paul praises the Church at Corinth because they repented and allowed the Spirit to change them!
Today, I am greatly encouraged. A little more than a decade ago God began to deal with me about the compromise of nationalism. I began to see that a believer should not have divided loyalties. I also saw the profound lies that I believed about the creation and nature of America. I had been sold a bill of goods and for almost 20 years of knowing Christ I practiced idolatry.
It all began with this piercing question: “Where in the New Testament is the church given permission to violently overthrow their government, even over taxes?” That question was posed to me by my best friend. I had never thought about it like that, and if I was to be honest about the Scriptures and honest with my own commitment to God’s truth then I could not just shrug it off.
Within a few days, after pouring over Scriptures I had read hundreds and perhaps thousands of times, I was faced with a choice. Either I would continue to ignore God’s truth and close my heart to God’s Spirit, or I was going to have to begin a different spiritual journey, one that I was sure would be met with resistance from friend and foe alike. I mean back in those days Rush Limbaugh and the “I hate Bill Clinton” atmosphere was at its peak within the church. (Sadly, some are still stuck there.) What a time to reexamine my patriotism!
In a very short time it became obvious that I couldn’t just address the issue from the safety of Scriptural philosophy without any practical implications. My youngest son attended Christian high school and was a starter on the varsity basketball team. Every game they would play the national anthem and people would stand with their hand over their hearts. And sometimes during school functions where parents were invited, they would recite the pledge of allegiance.
Now you may think these are minor things and in the greater context of what Christians around the world have to deal with I would heartily agree with you. However these were the challenges that faced me personally. What would I do? I did not desire to draw attention to myself, and I surely did not desire to cause my son problems at school. So when these rituals took place I would stand politely but I would not say the pledge or hold my hand over my heart. No one ever said a thing. I believe they did not notice.
And so my journey began. At first there was only a few believers who would even discuss it and fewer still who agreed with me. In fact, every time a brother or sister admitted to seeking out the Lord on the issue I was rejuvenated. And after the first few months of feeling superior, God humbled me and removed that ugly attitude of self righteousness, Isn’t that our constant battle in all things?
So here we are, almost 20 years from that point. But I have noticed something very unexpected but greatly encouraging. More and more people are shedding their nationalistic clothes and have found a new found freedom in Christ that had been compromised by their allegiance to an earthly power. Praise His matchless name! But do not think we arrived here through our own power and our own overstated intellect. God forbid! It has been all through the Spirit and God receives all the glory. But I am astounded to find so many fellow believers who have had the same basic experience. It is wonderful and it exalts Christ.
So to all you out there be encouraged. You and I are not alone. Now there are many levels in this view of which I speak. I no longer vote or say the pledge or embrace any earthly country as my own. I am an American because I was born here and America claims me. But I no longer see worldly affairs through American eyes, and I attempt to see people as lost or saved regardless of race, nationality, or political persuasion. And yes, the more I stepped into this liberty the more I clearly saw the great compromise within the western evangelical church.
I am no longer in love with capitalism or any other man made economic system. I no longer believe that moral legislation can replace the gospel. I now see the gay sinner as the same as the heterosexual sinner. I now see talk radio and television for what it is: A carnal arena of self righteousness that is void of any divine redemption. I no longer support the wars of men, and I believe abortion will end when the church becomes the sacrificial embodiment of the Lord Jesus and the hearts of men are transformed through our witness.
But today I rejoice. Many hearts are being changed. But let us tell the truth to each other. Just coming out from nationalism is not nearly enough. There is much spiritual ground we have yet to possess. And to whom much is given much is required. In some ways we are the more accountable to God. And unless there is a revival among us, even a small and local revival, we will remain grasping at spiritual straws. But today I give thanks to God who is so very patient and forgiving toward us all.
I say, "Dittoes," to this blog, which I used to say to a talk show host.
I was rather self-righteous about it I think, in hindsight, for which I do repent.
Having shed the hindrance of worldly political distraction and idolatry, you are correct that we must have revival and move on, by His grace and in His Spirit, to become what He purchased us for.
I so enjoy the fellowship here.
Victoria - Besides all the vitriol spoken by Rush, did it ever concern you when he used God's name in vain saying "My brain is on loan from God"?
Thank you for this post!
We live near a military base and there are a lot of military families that live here.
Patriotism a very touchy subject. When a person has lost dear ones to war, someone denouncing war is a threat. I think that's how a nation gets people to support it - by getting them to shed real blood for it. They've got so much at stake in it they don't ever want to believe their loved ones died or sacrificed for nothing. So they have to believe they did it for Something - Something very Special and Sacred. And so this becomes a sacred nation with mythologized founders on a special mission from God. We're all part of God's plan to bring freedom and democracy to the world.
Except nowhere in God's word are we, as disciples of Christ, told to do anything of the sort.
May more eyes be opened to the truth of the gospel - the real gospel.
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