Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Bridegroom Comes...

It is over. Prepare your heart to meet the King. He is coming. The time is short; the days are evil. The veil is about to be lifted, and the shout will precede His entrance. The glory of all ages will burst upon this world and some will be clothed with His glory while others will be consumed. The Risen Christ along with His angelic entourage descends to take up His throne and begin His everlasting reign.
The world is consumed with every imaginable evil while the church either slumbers, parties, or exercises its self righteousness. No longer do people look for Him; no longer do they long for their Bridegroom; no longer do they wail at the abominations of the earth. But nothing can thwart the eternal plan laid down by the Great God before the Christ spoke the worlds into existence.
But what if the white horse is just a symbol? And what if the trumpet is just a metaphor? Do not fear, beloved, if indeed the gold and silver and precious jewels are just objects to help us understand, the reality of all those things will surpass human knowledge and stretch the imagination far beyond the mind’s pitiful ability to comprehend. The expanse of the place called heaven will shame the greatest imagination and render useless all words that hoped to describe it. All the earthly metaphors and similes will melt under the eternal weight of the vastness of God’s manifested glory. To realize that it cannot be fully known here is to lightly touch the hem of the reality, and in that touch we stand astonished.
And yet have we known the King by faith and not yet by sight and ultimate presence. Upon that day, the day above all days, we will look upon Him with the eyes of perfection and with the God given understanding of Who He is and what He has done. The knowledge we have of those things now is colossal and alters our lives, however the very moment we are ushered into His everlasting and glorious presence we will experience in one moment more than we have experienced in our lifetime. Joy, praise, love, gratitude, awe, brokenness, will all fill our beings with worship that no angel will ever know.
And that one moment will be the first of an unbroken chain that leads forever and forever. Has your mind begun to recoil? Do not fret since these things are for those who have shuffled off their mortal coils and by God’s grace have had their robes washed in the blood of the Lamb. They say our Sun can burn for billions of years still, and we do not doubt it at all. Then how can we ever doubt that God’s Son will not shine upon us forever? Forever is a glorious thought, but He Who created forever possess all glory. And the glory that shall be revealed in us…will be His glory. It will be Jesus Himself.
Look around and fall in love with this world and all its hollow enchantments if you so desire. But the end is gaining upon us; the final chapter has begun; tomorrow is today; and the fragrance of the King, drenched in all the roses of Sharon, precedes His arrival. Bow down your heart and prepare ye the way.

Behold…the Bridegroom comes…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I smell that sweet fragrance, too, Rick, and am SO ready to see Him face to face. Thanks for this post!