Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Uniqueness of Man's Sin

How repulsive is it to you when you think of a child molester who systematically rapes a two year old little girl and when the child screams once that same man murders her and burns her little body? How about this - Hollywood has made a sensitive documentary called “Zoo” that gives an understanding view of American bestiality with special emphasis on how the men love their “mates”. Does that repulse you? How about a man who lures young boys into his house, tortures them, and finally murders them and eats their dead flesh. Does that repulse you? OK, I’ll stop, you get the picture.

But that is just the point, we do not fully understand the depraved horror of our sin. You see how you feel when I’ve just described some of the monstrous sins that man commits, just imagine how you would feel if you were forced to watch those very heinous acts take place. And you cannot even imagine how you would feel if you were forced to participate in those same gruesome acts of sin. When my two year old grandson falls in our midst we all cringe and come to his aid, so knowing that some predators get satisfaction by torturing little ones like him is unthinkable.

Sin. Think about the uniqueness of man’s sin that began with Adam and has run its course through the blood of mankind even until today. When a male and female dog mate other dogs do not pull up chairs on the grass and watch, getting sensual ecstasy while observing. Female dogs don’t sell their pups to some predator in order to satisfy her drug habit. The sin of man is unique in its depth and depravity and well said the Scriptures that we are inventers of evil things. In Manhattan there are clubs where women dress as nurses and attend to the men administering enemas because that happens to be the fetish of these fallen perverts. OK, I’ll stop, you get the picture.

But wait, we do not fully get the picture. All those sins I’ve described and the billions of others that I could not even imagine, those sins were all present at Calvary. And though it is true that the sins of the world were placed upon God the Son, it goes further than that.

II Cor.5: - For he hath made Him to be sin for us…

I can put this into words but I can never surround it with my mind, it is a sacred mystery. Jesus became sin for us. How could this be? I do not know, I just know it is true. And although some sins are worse in a horizontal and comparative sense, in a vertical sense every sin is an infinite affront to a holy God. What sin doomed mankind? Murder? Adultery? Child molestation? No, one bite of a forbidden fruit. Nothing in the fruit caused the horror we see today, no, it was the open rebellion against the Word of the Creator God. And in reality the depraved ingredient in every sin that brings death is the defiant disobedience to the eternal Commandment of God Almighty.

We have made the word “sin” so antiseptic and doctrinally colloquial that most believers fail to fully fathom the shame, disgrace, and Spiritual death that comes with all sin. And in our willing ignorance we make peace with our own sin and dishonor our Savior. Jesus, who knew no sin of His own, became sin for us and endure the justified wrath of the Father, for us. He was punished completely for us. And back to the former descriptions of sin that I described and asked if they repulsed you. You are acquainted with sin, you and I have known sin. But Jesus was spotless and pristine so how repulsed was he when the sins of the world were placed upon Him and in a mystery He became sin? When I meditate on His sacrifice it is almost blasphemous on one hand but it is the magnificent love and glory of God on the other.

And so man loves his sin and refuses to see his need of redemption. The most wicked and incredulous sin of all is to deny the authority of God and His Word and refuse His offer of eternal grace. The poor unregenerate man will one day come face to face with Him who is his Judge, and on that day men will cry for mercy and there will be none. And if I read the prophetic Scriptures accurately we will be there and watch. And after I see billions cast into the lake of fire I will understand many things. I will understand that God was justified in casting all rebels out of His presence forever. I will understand that eternal punishment for sin is just and right.

And when the last sinner is cast into hell, I will understand what Jesus did for me, for I deserved to follow all of them to hell also. I was comparatively worse than most of them and I myself had absolutely no claim to righteousness. And as I turn again to the glorious Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Risen Lamb of God, I will, I MUST, fall on my face and worship Him saying,

“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain…”.


Mike Ratliff said...

This is why the full Gospel must be on our lips and at the heart of our ministries. No watered down easy believism! All that does is make sinners feel good. Some people detest Jonathan Edward's sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" because they feel that it is all negative and doesn't show God's love for sinners. Well, yes it does. Salvation is God saving people who escape from His wrath against their sin by His grace through faith.

It is a very healthy thing for those of us who have been saved by grace to look at what we were not only saved from, but also the life of sin were cleansed of and drawn out of by God's regeneration of our hearts. Only He could cleanse the filth of our sin from us. It sure isn't by any religious thing we do.

In Christ

Mike Ratliff

Anonymous said...

Sin...the very reason that Jesus came in the flesh.

Sin...the very ingredient that is missing from pulpit after pulpit throughout our nation.

An odd dichotomy.

Baptist Girl said...

Amen Rick!