Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Architecture of Influence

Rom.16:19 -...but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil.

We know that only God has true power and it is His Word alone that will stand for eternity. Then how is it that the devil wields so much influence (counterfeit power) in the earth today and specifically what are the building blocks he uses to create the architecture of influence within the church itself?

Of course at the foundation of the devil’s deception is the undermining of the accuracy, substance, and clarity of God’s Word. That has always been his aim and he continues to be effective in getting the church to compromise or outright change God’s Word to suit their own purposes leaving the eternal purposes of God in their carnal wake. That has become obvious to the students of God’s Word as they hear the metamorphosis and vacillation of the modern teachings as compared with the tested truths that had been handed down through centuries of orthodox church teachings. But by what methods does Satan use to gain entrance into the doctrinal teachings of today?

The devil has created an architecture of influence that he uses to channel his lies and half truths. This system uses several very effective tools that now roam open and freely within God’s own church. Let me first illustrate by paralleling the prostitution of the church with the prostitution of the government.

Lobbying in the government used to be when a person or persons had a grievance and went to Washington to redress their concern to the lawmakers. A basic definition of a lobbyist today is anyone who accepts money from a third party to go and directly persuade elected officials on that clients behalf. And in recent years the lobbyists have become more than just agents of redress, they have actually become a fourth branch of government that wields more power sometimes than the elected bodies. From the year 1961 the United States government has grown and expanded to include almost every area of our lives today. And with the expanse of the government came the corresponding expanse of lobbying which in the last forty-five years has gone from a relatively small number of registered lobbyists to an obscene amount. During the time from 1961 to 1984 the number of corporations that had lobbyists in Washington increased by 10 times. In 1971 there were 175 businesses that had full time lobbying branches in Washington and by 1982 there were 2444. By the mid nineties Washington was home to approximately 10,000 registered lobbyists and by the year 200 that number increased to 15,000 and the number today is 36,135. That is compared with 635 members of congress.

Would to God that we could experience that same rate of increase in kneeling lobbyists that intercede at the horns of the golden altar!
Today there are so many former elected officials that have turned to lobbyists that you could reconstruct a full congress of lobbyists who were former lawmakers. These lobbyists have infested themselves in the pocketbooks and hearing of the representatives that were elected to represent the people, not succumb to the monetary advances of the special interest lobbyists. Because of the architecture of influence created by the overwhelming lobbying cartel the government has become a prostitute for the most attractive and financially generous lobbyists, otherwise known as political johns.

Now look at what has happened to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The church from 1961 to today has grown and expanded to include all types of political and financial power. Soaring building programs, incredible salaries, and an overall affluence by many of the professing American Christians. And in direct proportion came the lobbyists. What are lobbyists within the church itself? They are anyone who attempts to gain Spiritual influence within the community of believers. What are the lobbying channels that are now used?

There are many avenues that create the architecture of influence that now permeates the church. The book market is now flooded with books that are well packaged with attractive covers and catchy titles and they lobby for the hearts and minds of God’s people. Recently we received an advertisement through the mail from a large Christian bookstore outlet that was presenting scores of their current book offerings. I took the time to look at all the books they had pictured in their paper and there were many topics that dealt with self help, marriage help, financial advancement, and many topics dealing with this life. But there was no title that gave any hint of the eternal and most conspicuous of all was the absence of any mention of the Lord Jesus. The so called Christian book market is consumed with lobbying for the things of this world and they are part of the architecture of influence.

And some of the most interesting and gifted writers are from such movements as the seeker, purpose, and the Emergent church perspectives that are energetically lobbying for the direction of the church. Great literary influence peddlers that contribute to this architecture of influence while padding their own pockets. And these authors gain popularity because of the new perspectives they so cleverly write about that appeal mostly to the new “Starbucks” Christians that have become bored with the ancient landmarks. And if they happen to write about something like prayer they strip it of its priority and sacrifice by wonderfully giving tips on how to incorporate it into a busy lifestyle without adversely affecting your career. Such keen insight.

Another stream that vies for the hearts of God’s people is television. Most, and I mean most, of what passes as Christian television is abject heresy. But it is so magnetic and done with such professionalism that it has become an accomplished lobbying tool. A person once asked me “With so many different teachers on television who do people believe?”. I replied “The last one they listened to”. People have been so influenced by many of these theatrical performers that they believe anything they say. And with them offering another part of this influence machine, tapes and cds, they have grounded their listeners in their own sphere of control. How can we avoid getting pulled into this theological quagmire? Refuse to listen, period.

As you can see the architecture of influence is built on the beams of different communication networks. Books, tapes, cds, television, internet, and other ways to communicate are used of the evil One to create deceptive influence. We are inundated with such an avalanche of error that is so neatly packaged and presented by articulate men and women that the body of Christ has abandoned using the spirit of discernment. It is irresponsible and displeasing to our Lord to act like a sponge and soak up every wind of doctrine, but most of the western church has allowed themselves to be influenced and even enslaved by these deviant doctrines. Even the most vigilant believers surely are not perfect in the totality of their beliefs so can you imagine how quickly a sheep can stray when following blindly anything that sounds good and sincere? How many American Christians (oxymoron) have cemented a list of authors and speakers they refuse to listen to, and when confronted with an unknown source how many seek information or even lay it before the Lord before they open their spirits to influence?

The hearts and spirits of the body of Christ are being bombarded by a continuous blanket of influence peddlers through many mediums and with intense oratorical and literary prowess. And much of the attraction is not only a fleshly message but the brightly colored and professionally produced teachings. Today the Gutenberg Bible would remain un-purchased on the shelves due to drab nature of its packaging but in God’s eyes it was one of the most important Bibles ever printed. The day may have arrived that God’s exhortation “Come out from among them and be ye separate” means come out from the western church as much as it does to the world, and in many cases the western church is nothing more than the world with a little religious talk. Open your hearts to the influence of the Spirit of God and give no place for any other thoughts, He will faithfully guide us to the celestial city by the journey of His choosing. Praise the name of the Lord!

1 comment:

Mike Ratliff said...

Amen Rick,

The American Church is mostly idolatrous religiosity. It is apostate. I pray it will not be long before God call His people out of the Great Harlot.