Monday, September 25, 2006

A Slippery Slope

Here is an object lesson: The devil ever so gently slices away at God's redemptive truth. No one who has never even tasted a cigarette much less drugs, wakes up Monday morning and by lunch time is a heroin addict. It is a process that is usually a well worn trail and the same with the deception of the evil one.

If we assume 10 as the perfect revelation of the gospel and with 0 representing atheism, the devil starts by teaching 9.5 as an acceptable possibility but not denying that 10 is the present standard. He then starts presenting 9.5 as an alternative to 10, and finally he calls 9.5 a "10". Through the same careful process he progresses to 9, then 8.5, and then a solid 8 and he calls it a "10". Along the way he patiently waits as believers debate the issues, and time and talk usually erode the differences and the church settles in on 9, and even those who are at 10 acquiesce in tolerating and sometimes joining with the brothers who now teach that 9 is in fact a "10".

Now the "8 is now 10" men accept the "10 is still 10" teaching as viable and they expect the same treatment for their point of view. But the Evil One has established a doctrinal beachhead from which he now prepares his next assault. And when the "10 is still 10" crowd attacks and exposes the "8 is now ten" teaching they are considered unloving and critical, which is another tactic of the devil. Like a soldier who straps a child with explosives and sends him into the midst of his enemies knowing that they will be hesitant to shoot at a child, so the devil straps his heresy on the lips of brothers in Christ so as to discourage others from attacking that heresy that is sometimes inexorably tied to certain brothers.

So here it is. When the devil wants to dilute the gospel he doesn't automatically say that "all religions lead to God". He knows that would meet with fierce resistance so he shoots a little lower and says that some men can be saved "through Christ" even if they have never heard of Him. He condescendingly insists that Christ is still the only way and these poor souls will be given the blood of Jesus after they die by a compassionate act of a Heavenly Father. And like a magician who stealthily gets you to look away from the true deception, he gets you to ponder the Romans 1 "without excuse" phrase while drawing your attention away from the Romans 10 "how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard" clear admonition. And then he tells you that 9.5 is really the same as 10, and the two are actually compatible so why disagree.

Now remember, he is not going to be satisfied with 9.5, that is only another launching point and stepping stone which doubles as a doctrinal bus stop at which Satan stops long enough to pick up more passengers.

Heb.2:1 - "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip."

And so, brothers and sisters, we have tragically arrived at the slippery slope at which we now find ourselves. And because the gospel has been so diluted in so many ways it has become unsophisticated to embrace the proven and historical teaching of the glorious plan of salvation through the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Pray and remain faithful. Do not debate with these doctrines of devils, that is exactly what the devil desires, debate. Present the revelation of Jesus Christ as the only Savior who by faith in Him alone can save and from those who reject that we must remove our fellowship and pray that they will repent.

Finally we must glorify God and His Word not as something we ourselves have discovered and created, but humbly as His Truth, His glory, His salvation, His power, His strength, His cross, His resurrection, His return, and His life which is eternal.

All the praise is forever yours, Jesus our Lord, and we are but unprofitable servants who desire to lift You up to a lost and fallen world from which we were plucked.
Forever You Alone!


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a post. I like how you put things.

It was C S Lewis who said:

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

I say Amen...yet again.

Anonymous said...

Brilliantly written Rick, and such an important truth. I cheered all the way through it, sitting at my desk alone in my room.

God is so good to reveal these things and enable someone to write about it in such an understandable and accessible way.

I am thankful for the object lesson, the instruction given, the clarity, and the glory given the LORD. Worthy is HE.

P.S. In a sermon recently given where I worship on Sundays, it was said, "Unbelief is not intellectual, unbelief is willful. Unbelief is not neutral. It is a disposition that refuses to accept evidence and Biblical truth. Unbelief will find reason to not believe. It seeks to disbelieve. It is not true that the person in unbelief is wanting or searching for evidence or Biblical truth- though they protest they do."

I think this aptly applies to those who profess faith and declare unbelief toward the perfect revelation of the gospel.