Saturday, September 23, 2006

I Just Thought...

The Presidents of America and Iran spoke at the United Nations this past week. Of course Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, is a demon possessed man and President Bush is a professing Christian. But here is what I observed as I saw reruns of their speeches.

President Ahmadinejad prayed out loud and quoted the Holy Koran before he spoke.

President Bush did not pray or quote the Holy Bible.

I just thought that perhaps Iran is more of a Muslim nation than we are a Christian nation. And I just thought that Muslims are more open and bold about their faith in any genre whereas we as Christians reserve our prayers and Bible quoting for church. And I just thought that deceived Muslims are willing to die for Allah and many Christians are not willing to live for Jesus. I just thought that Iran had broken down the wall between church and state and we should applaud them because many Christians want that here. I just thought that Ahmadinejad was not ashamed to pronounce Allah as the one true God before the nations of the world and President Bush was afraid of pronouncing Jesus as Lord before the nations of the world and offending.

Oh just forget it...I just thought...

1 comment:

poof said...

You thought right...
I also thought that a mad man (who wants to obliterate Israel with nuclear weapons and pronounces Jihad on America) would not make it through security onto an airplane headed for the country he openly despises...let alone be allowed to speak on the same platform as the president of that country.
Just a thought...