Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Crying While We Dance

Those of us who have come to know and been changed forever by the Redeemer Jesus have reason to dance. The thought of eternity, eternity before Him, compels us to leap for joy and dance before the King. This world cannot hold us and this life ticks away as it takes another step toward Him. Surely our feet are marionettes of our hearts as they spring with the bounce of a child on Christmas Day. It is a formal ball; it is a beautiful ballet; it is an energetic celebration; it is a passionate exhibition; it is the choreography of the redeemed as a prisoner leaps before His Rescuer.
But lo, what is this that meets our eyes? Tears? The dancer weeps while he leaps and twirls for joy. Why the tears? Grief or joy? Both. Meshed within these tears of joy are expressions of the heart that knows that there are those who cannot dance. These tears speak of those who are not free and whose feet are rushing toward something unspeakably dire and dreadful. Their hearts cannot soar and are moored to this earth. And so many refuse the dancer’s invitation to join him and his Lord. That does not keep us from dancing, but if you look closely you will see the dancer crying while he dances.

One day we will dance with no tears.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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