Wednesday, August 11, 2010


During the sixties I witnessed all kinds of hate directed toward blacks, Asians, women, communists, and youth in general. But I must admit, the hate that spews from “Christian” mouths and pens today rivals anything I ever saw 5 decades ago.

1 comment:

Steve said...


Again, I consider you've put your finger on a distinguishing characteristic of the current American Church: hatred.

That hatred is overwhelmingly political. The Church eagerly accepted a self-identity foisted on it by self-interested politicians 30 years ago ("Christians are conservatives"), and that choice continues to corrupt the Church.

We've allowed Christ's Body to be treated as a sub-demographic of one partisan group in the world-system's kingdom, and learned to put our hope in that, rather than God's, rule. Most to your point, we've "sanctified" the deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5) as Christian virtues for political purposes.

Thank you, brother, for your voice raised against these corruptions at work in the Church.

Best, Steve