Wednesday, May 19, 2010

He is All in All
There is nothing like knowing, and yes experiencing, Jesus. All human endeavors and pursuits fade into meaninglessness when compared with having even one moment with the Creator, Savior, and Redeemer. Just to pause and fellowship with Him is hope itself. Let others draw whatever they can from the shallow and bitter well of this present world, but some of us can only dream of the next moment with Him and the first moment of being in His presence forever.

After 58 years this month upon this world there is nothing left but Him. The “life” in eternal life is Jesus who is our life. I feel His return is coming soon, and that day will be the culmination of the divine plan that was with God before the worlds were spoken into existence. And somehow I was included in that eternal plan. In my mind no one deserved it less than did I.

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