Thursday, March 13, 2008

Politics - Deception at its Finest!

OK, for those political enthusiasts out there, I will attempt to further enlighten you as to how easily we can be deceived. Barak Obama has belonged to the same church for TWENTY years and his pastor’s name is Jeremiah Wright. He is a hate filled racist that hates white people, hates America, and preaches that Jesus was a black man who was oppressed by rich white men.

Below is the You Tube site with some of his messages, but I warn you, he curses from the pulpit (i.e. sh**) so guard your heart and do not let racism enter into it. Ask yourself this question, “How could Barak sit under him for 20 years and not agree with him? And why hasn’t this come out more forcefully in the press? The Clinton’s will leak this a week before the Democratic Convention and watch the fireworks. I am stocking up on popcorn that week because it promises to be a great spectacle.

Oh well, I thought I might further burst your political bubble. All is vanity and vexation of spirit!