Friday, February 08, 2008

It Unfolds Before Your Own Eyes

Unless you watch this 10 - 15 minute you tube clip you will not only not fully understand my article but you as a believer will miss an opportunity to witness firsthand an actual unfolding of the one world religion as it is being rapidly constructed. This forum on the role of faith in economics was part of a yearly meeting in Davos, Switzerland that centers primarily on global economics. Rick Warren's participation begins a little past the halfway point in the video.

As I watched this video the thought came to me that if this had been made by actors thirty or forty years ago it would have fit nicely in the movies such as “A Distant Thunder” or “A Thief in the Night” or any movie depicting what might happen in the end days. I listened to the Catholic priest, the Imam, the Rabbi, and the others and they all shared what I would have expected. But when Rick Warren spoke I was mesmerized.

Here was a supposed representative of the Lord Jesus Christ sharing with people the necessity of religion, any religion, in the global economic stool. His premise was that “faith” was so prevalent worldwide that the leaders and the churches, temples, and mosques must be included in any economic endeavor because of their proximity to the people. He had, of course, a humanitarian slant to his view of economics but his was an exhortation to a religious pluralistic partnership. To the average listener he was saying the very same things that the other representatives of their religions were saying.

First he was saying that our collective mission is to confront and attack the problems of this world. Poverty, disease, social neglect, global warming, and all the earthly ills that have and are still plaguing the inhabitants of this earth. That, suggests Warren, is our collective mission as adherents to any and all religions. No where does Warren point out that Christianity is incongruent with all other religions, and that our mission is spiritual redemption not humanitarian. Listen as Warren holds out the olive branch to everyone as long as they are “doing good”.

All those “good works” that Warren touts are nothing more than filthy rags in the sight of God. Like humanistic ants, running around to establish their own righteousness, the human race is quickly coagulating into a one world religious view that holds the works of man in high esteem and reduces the Lord Jesus Christ and His Saviorhood as one small piece of a large human puzzle. It is better to refuse an invitation to an event than to speak without exalting Christ and His gospel. What message would Whitefield or Wesley or Bunyan delivered to this crowd?

To be unequally yoked with unbelievers and infidels is blasphemy at its zenith, and when exemplified and encouraged by someone with the stature and fame of Rick Warren it becomes a devastating deception that is sweeping the hearts of millions. Could you not feel chills up your spine as you listened to Warren give spiritual credibility to every demon inspired religion upon the earth and exhort all Christians to join with them in a message of earthly help? He said he did not care what your motivation is, greed, pride, influence, or anything else as long as you did good. So if you were serving Satan by feeding the poor it was acceptable. And please do not contend that we are against humanitarian works or that the church has fallen short in some of these areas, that is a straw man that still does not provide any Biblical foundation for what Warren is organizing.

These religions are not doing good, they are enemies of the cross of Christ and you and I have lived long enough to see Christian ministers take these idol worshipers by the hand and walk in agreement. Brothers and sisters, the end is here. I have a pre-tribulation view of eschatology, but if someone suggested we were in the first half of the tribulation period it would not surprise me. Listen to me very carefully. No one knows who the Antichrist is until he is revealed. People laugh at us for being such fundamentalists and literalists, and they even mock us for suggesting that someone like Rick Warren could be used by the Antichrist in bringing in his dastardly plan. This is serious business and it requires a solemn assessment by all believers when we see such things being espoused by Christian leaders.

Warren gives such credibility to the Roman Catholic Church as he praises them for their humanitarian works especially in Africa. He neglects to mention their works theology because it seems he now couples works with faith and now presents some form of religious amalgamation that is palatable to all religions and cults. We do not see fully all the events like these so we must be all the more concerned when one is presented to us. They are happening more than we can ever know. Remember, what a person does it what he believes, not what he might print on his doctrinal page.

And when Warren reveals his motivation for doing good works he states because Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. Was this command by our Lord a call to all of us personally as we live our lives or was it the Great Commission to the church to go into all the earth and do good humanitarian deeds so we can prove we love people as we love ourselves? A subtle change, a clandestine doctrinal shift, a verse out of context, and a million other seemingly harmless points of error become a tidal wave of deception that not only compromises the mission of the church, it changes the gospel into another.

So here we have a man who the world now believes speaks for the evangelical church sitting among the world’s religions and leads the group in carving out some common ground upon which we can all walk together in a form of unity. Do not look for the end days and the accompanying falling away of the church, it is unfolding right before our very eyes. Be bold and yet weep, many souls are like lemmings heading for a Christless eternity as men like Rick Warren soothe their conscience. Be bold and yet be humble, it is only God’s grace that has kept us from being captured by the same deception. Be bold equally inside and outside of the prayer closet, our words can warn some but will never be sufficient to rescue the captive.

Do not expect the emergent types to offer any correction much less criticism about Warren and his message, they are deceived themselves. They will defend anyone who is outside the “fundamentalist” camp as they see it. This is particularly sad when you consider that there are men out there who actually hold fast to solid doctrinal truths but find it distasteful to even strongly critique just about anyone or anything, the exception being orthodox brethren. I disagree with someone like John MacArthur on some things, but to attck him while providing cover for a heretic like Brian MacLaren is unfathomable. This does no great service to the body of Christ and in fact provides a disservice to the offending and wayward brother himself.

In these times the Holy Spirit will both discomfort us to press further toward Christ and simultaneously comfort us with the knowledge that His time is at hand. The physical sufferings of this world can never compare with the spiritual sufferings, albeit invisible, that the entire world is going through at this very moment. The church has long since closed their spiritual eyes in deference to their eyes of flesh. We see the emaciated bodies of the hungry but are blind to emaciated souls of the lost. We see the physically sick but cannot see the sickness of sin. We see the earthly impoverishment of many but have shut our eyes to the eternal impoverishment of billions. We run to hand out loaves of earthly bread without feeding the lost the Bread of Life.

We hear talk of P.E.A.C.E. plans but we do not listen to the clanging of the swords of warring angels doing battle in the heavenlies. We hear speeches about the United Nations but we close our ears to the Prince of Peace. The hidden viciousness of the spiritual battle has ever so gently turned our swords into plowshares way before God’s timing would have it be so. Good intentions have draped themselves over our eyes and the allurement of the saccharine words that drip from misguided lips have captured our attention. Do not be deceived, these last days will be filled with more good than in any time in church history, but in a diabolical irony it will be these very works that the enemy will use to deceive many, including those in the church. It seems like some confounding riddle, but make no mistake, this strategy is brilliant in its deceptive evil and it must run its course until the Guardian of all Truth returns to defeat all evil and be revealed as THE Truth Incarnate.

He surely must be at the door, ready to be revealed at the last time to be worshiped by friend and foe alike. Friends, perhaps we all should look at videos like this one about Rick Warren every now and then so as to remind ourselves that the day is far spent and the night is upon us. Be careful though, words like these from Warren are pleasant to the fleshly ears and they soothe the carnal man but they are an affront to the Words of the Living God. If Warren be God serve him, but if God be God serve Him. Reject bitterness, reject pride, reject the flesh, but above all reject everything that does not come from the Word of the Living God.

You may not find popularity with men, but then, whose favor do you seek?