Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Nine Headed Idol

Ps.20:7 - Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

As I listened to Christian radio the other day I heard a famous Christian leader call for special prayer regarding this year’s presidential elections. His contention was that God wanted Godly leaders in office and our prayers could tip the balance in November of 2008. I heard him recall organizing numerous gatherings for national days of prayer for such a time as the upcoming election which he said was the most important election in our lifetime.

Now in full disclosure I have departed ways from America about eight years ago and I believe God has opened my eyes to see a major deception in the understanding of the church. America is not a Christian nation nor has it ever been. Its very constitution declares that no religion will be established, and even though many if not most of the founders of America were professing Christians without being evangelical as we now understand it, the country quickly morphed into an amalgamation of many different religions, denominations, and hedonistic pursuits. It never was established as Christian and the name of Jesus is conspicuously absent both in the Declaration of independence and the constitution.

We enjoy freedom here, but there are other countries where the body of Christ is more pure and dedicated to Christ than here. A country like China comes to mind where believers are not captured by hedonism and avarice, and prayer is of paramount importance. Practicing one’s faith could cost a believer his life and with that over their heads they continue to serve Christ under persecution. Our freedom has its benefits, but I fear it has become an elixir that has played for us a sweet song and put us to sleep. We now look toward elections to accomplish God’s will.

But what was this Christian’s point about praying for this election and why it is so important to elect the right candidate? It was, he said, because the next president may have the opportunity to appoint four or even five Supreme Court justices. He did not say anything about souls, he did not mention overseas missions, and he did not say anything about the church in need of revival. He said it was the Supreme Court. And as I listened it became clear to me that this court has become a nine headed idol to many in the church.

Where did we lose the axe head, and where did we begin to believe the Holy Spirit could bring in God’s kingdom through the dirty business of politics? It is estimated that as much as several billion dollars might be spent on this coming election year, all in an obscene attempt to gain power through unfulfilled promises and inflated estimates of man’s power and intelligence. The entire spectacle is of this world and indeed necessary in the affairs of men, but where and how has the church come to the conclusion that God desires His body to become involved? God is sovereign and sits in august oversight over all of us, but the Lord Jesus’ command was for us to preach the gospel to every creature, even to the uttermost parts of the earth, Nowhere does the New Testament imply we should become entangled with the affairs of the government and in fact, democracy was invented later by the humanistic Greeks who desired the god-like human figure to have the final say in his own government.

But now we look toward elections and soothe our spiritual consciences by organizing convenient prayer meetings to spiritualize that which is carnal and fleshly. Judgment must begin at the house of God and God has stated that it is His people who stand accountable to Him. Martin Luther did not nail the 95 thesis to the door of congress, no, it was on the door to Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. I believe the beginning of such a desire for political participation began when the God’s people wanted a king like the heathen nations they had observed. They chose Saul and the rest is history. Perhaps some of the candidates are decent individuals, but that is God’s concern not ours. If we call prayer meetings, and we should, let us repent before God for our own spiritual compromise and entreat the Lord for a revival that will awaken the church and spread the name of Jesus Christ across the entire planet!

And so the politically active wing of evangelicalism believes the Supreme Court is our answer, and by electing a “conservative” president he will appoint judges that will overturn Roe v. Wade. And if that unlikely scenario should transpire what will happen? The entire abortion issue is returned to each individual state for them to decide, or even a national referendum will be voted upon, after all, this is a democracy. But we as believers are not commissioned to convince the world of morality, we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ, holding up His redemption, His cross, His resurrection, and the august glory of His divine personhood! That is our calling and to which we are anointed.

Please, dear one, please, do not succumb to the nationalistic and political deception. Daniel’s prayers and the spiritual battle they commenced were not fought within the presidential palace of Persia, they were violently fought in the heavenlies, and so is our battle not with flesh and blood and not with carnal weapons but with the power of the Spirit to defeat principalities and powers and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout a lost and dying world. Our battle is not in any ballot box, ours is in the prayer closet standing upon the foundation of the Word of God. Our faith must be wholly in God and His Word, not in the political aspirations of any party or politician. I do not question the genuineness of any Christian who either runs for office or becomes involved in the political process, I just happen to feel we’ve been led astray and have left the feet of Christ for the political kitchen of Martha. Has it accomplished much in all our efforts?

A new and fresh wave of God’s Spirit is blowing in parts of Christ’s body, and although most churches will pass out voting pamphlets and encourage prayer and participation in the upcoming slugfest, the number of believers who are rejecting that avenue is growing and with that rejection many are finding spiritual freedom and awakening. The country we seek is in the Spirit, one whose builder and maker is God. Our citizenship is in heaven and our very lives are in Christ with God, so come out from among them and be ye separate. Not with smugness and arrogance or with judgment, but with prayerful humility and the love of God.

Pray for the nation, but more fervently pray for the church. Judgment must begin at God’s house and God isn’t looking to change an earthly nation, He looks to transform His own people. We as God’s people are in desperate need of a revival, and as long as we keep our eyes upon America and her sins we will be blind to the grievous sins within the camp of the people called by God’s own Name. Changing the makeup of the Supreme Court is a pitiful goal and has never been our holy calling, our commission is eternally higher than any man made political structure.

We have been called to the greatest of all callings, to preach the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature in every part of this fallen world. The Holy Spirit will give us power to accomplish that divine commandment, but as long as we continue mired in the affairs of men we will never fulfill that which Jesus Himself has commissioned us to do. Let 2008 be a year of repentance and spiritual liberation for us all to go where God directs, speak what God tells us to speak, hold high God’s Holy Word, and make an unswerving commitment to the prayer closet. Take your eyes off this world and look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Redeeming the time because the days are evil…