Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Roman Catholic Church

Before we begin our little discussion let me present some things that should accompany our study. We must have a love for the people caught in the strong religious deception we will call the RCC in this post. Humility must be our garment and in and of ourselves we know nothing. Unless the Spirit reveals things through the inspired Word of God everything is just sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. This is an important subject since there seems to be such an opening to any and every wind of doctrine in order to project unity. Who would have believed that the day would come where evangelicals would embrace the RCC as a sister church in Christ?

Are you willing to investigate some of the things I will share about Catholic teachings, or will you just minimize doctrinal differences because you feel like being kind and loving? We should pray for and reach out in love to the Catholic people, but we need also to be “wise as serpents” while being “harmless as doves”. May the Holy Spirit of God not only teach us His truth, but may He give us the wisdom to lovingly communicate the absolute truth of the gospel.


It would be impossible to completely deal with all the twisted and mercurial theological teachings of the RCC especially as it pertains to history. The RCC once taught that salvation could only be gained through their church. They once taught no lay person should read the Scriptures. They once taught that giving money would allow you to exercise some sins without judgment. I do not think they believe those things anymore, so I will deal with a few they still hold to today.

1. The RCC teaches that salvation come through baptism including infant baptism.

2. The RCC teaches that the Lord’s Supper is actually the blood and flesh of Jesus and that participating in the mass is a means of grace whereby one can get less and less time in purgatory.

3. The RCC teaches that priests can forgive sins because Christ has anointed them with that authority.

4. The RCC teaches that the pope is infallible in teachings of doctrine.

5. The RCC teaches that Mary was born without original sin.

6. The RCC teaches that Mary’s body was brought to heaven by God right after her death.

7. The RCC teaches that Mary is a perpetual virgin.

8. The RCC teaches that Mary is co-redemptrix with her Son.

9. The RCC teaches that good works can help you gain an entrance into heaven.

10. The RCC teaches that people can pray to dead saints.

11. The RCC teaches that Mary answers prayer.

12. The RCC teaches that most Christians must go to purgatory after death to pay for some of their sins that were not totally forgiven.

13. The RCC teaches that after death and while in purgatory living Christians can give money to help get them into heaven.

14. The RCC teaches that pious Moslems can be saved without Christ.

15. The RCC teaches that if you are excommunicated from their church you will not enter heaven.

16. The RCC teaches that truth can be known through a mixture of the Bible, the church, and traditions.

OK, I’ll stop. Now ask yourself this question, are any of these beliefs consistent with Scripture. Do these teachings seem more like cult than a true church? Let me ask you this: If there never was a Roman Catholic Church, and next year a group of people decided to start it with the teachings I just mentioned, would you still endorse that church as true? The Roman Catholic Church has led more people into a Christless eternity than any other “Christian” denomination in history. Let us stand firm for truth while reaching out to the Catholic people. And if you do not see anything wrong with any of the above points, you may want to include Scripture in your comment. By the way, when you witness to a Catholic person, do not attack their church.

Lift up Christ and His gospel!


Anonymous said...

I think one of the best things that we can do is make sure we have the answers for any catholic that is willing to listen. I am sure they will have many questions.

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day and have a blessed Lord's Day! May He continue to be with you in your writings!

PRCalDude said...

I went to my cousin's 'first communion' about 6 weeks ago. The Roman Catholic faith is definitely not Christian. It is 'Christian' in the same sense as Mormonism or the Jehovah's Witnesses. Of Luther's 5 Solas, I think Sola Scriptura is the most relevant to Rome's problems.