Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Without Distraction

I Cor.7:35 - ...and that you may attend upon the Lord without distraction.
I Cor.7:32 - But I would have you without carefulness.

It must, amazingly, mean something to the Creator of the Universe and the Redeemer of our souls to spend time with us. He even goes so far as to advise some to remain single so they would not be encumbered with the necessary cares that come with marriage, and they would be much more free to fellowship with Him.
The Lord Jesus, through the Spirit, in verse 32 of First Corinthians exhorts us to be "without carefulness" or without worrying about the things of this world. In verse 29 the Lord points out that "they that have wives be as though they had none". From verse 29 through verse 35 He openly indicates how strongly He desires to spend time with His children, and although God clearly instituted marriage, He warns against even letting our spouses come between Him and us. He lists other things in verse 30, emotions and possessions, as areas to guard against in our unique and paramount relationship with Him. And summing it all up He says in verse 31 not to get caught up with this world which will one day pass away.
But let us focus in on that phrase in verse 35, "that you may attend upon the Lord without distraction". How annoying is it to be speaking with someone who is obviously attentive elsewhere? How frustrating and even disrespectful is it? We've all been on either side of that scenario, but we would think it should be God Almighty that would be distracted with greater and higher issues when dealing with our insignificant lives. I mean what do we have to offer Him, and what about us could possibly capture His attention? But incredibly enough it isn't the Lord Who gets distracted with us, no. we get distracted with Him. How transparent of our utter sinfulness that we would allow ourselves to lose Spiritual focus when speaking with our sweet Savior. It is shameful! The Spirit of God calls us to "bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ". And here the Redeemer inclines His heart and ear to us and we shortchange Him.
Like the children of Israel who, just after stepping on the miraculous dry land between two mountains of piled up water in the Red Sea, immediately grow fearful and even melancholy about their previous place of slavery, so we are so often distracted by the things of this world as they steal the precious time with our Risen Savior. What has the most gracious Lord offered to us while still in this world?
To hear the Spiritual voice of the Creator Redeemer. He who said, "Let there be light" speaks to us. The voice that proclaimed, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" speaks to us. The Lamb that spoke, "It is finished" whispers to our spirit. And the Lion of the Tribe of Judah that roared, "Behold I come quickly" has time to share with us.
We are granted the privilege of "beholding the beauty of the Lord". Not with human eyes, oh no, but with Spiritual eyes that see much further and far deeper and with infinitely more definition than the human optic nerve. With a combination of the Scripturally based imagination, the guidance of the Spirit, and through the prism of the Word of God we get an unspeakable glimpse of our majestic Lord.
The everlasting contentment of eternal life. One day we will leave this earth to be with Christ but even now we have eternal life. Eternal life. Our inheritance has been reserved for us and no one can steal it or diminish its brilliance. The passing of this present world only adds to our expectation of entering the celestial city whose builder and maker is God.
The comfort that comes from the one who made us and loves us with an everlasting love. His presence like a Spiritual salve blankets our lives and removes the doubts and fears that "flesh is heir to".
In this multi-task culture let us honor the One who deserves devotional time with His children...without distraction.

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