Saturday, August 29, 2015


Hello Dear Followers of the Risen Christ,
            My name is Jonathan and I am Rick’s oldest son. I wanted to give you an update on my dad’s condition and post a little something I wrote last night on the five hour drive to the airport.
            Dad has had heart issues for many years and at this point his heart is damaged passed the point of a bypass or stent placement. They are now giving him blood thinners to regulate the arrhythmia and he will be in the hospital until Thursday. With that said, Dad is in good spirits! He is light hearted and his main concern is not that of his heart condition, but rather the ‘heart’ condition of every nurse that passes by and through his room.
            Before I post what went through my mind last night, I want to say thank you to the many readers of this blog. Internet fellowship has its wonderful and strange dynamics. I have often wondered who was behind many comments within this blog and the writings and comments from other Christian blogs/sites. The reason I express such a thought is this: in some of the hardest times, struggles, victories, and passion filled moments my father has been edified by all your love, encouragement, and fellowship. I believe that your Jesus filled fellowship is what truly prompts my dad to keep writing and in turn search the heart of the Lord. Many retired pastors (especially those who have had heartaches after stepping down) struggle to find their place outside the pulpit. Where will they be used and is their voice now a tool un-useful? It has been your fellowship, regardless of theological agreements or disagreements outside of the wholesome truths of the gospel of the eternal risen Christ, that has been such a joy to him. Through this fellowship his talents have been used by the Lord, even though he is an imperfect vessel. May the Lord continue to bless you and thank you for the Godly friendship you have shown my father…
When life melts into the everlasting
and the praises once sung soften unto the sounds of the cherubim,
His Face grows ever closer
As many memories group into the defining one,
the heart of the Lord rejoices
and His eternity is laid forth before the ones who, with flaw, knelt before the cross
Though the physical heart paces toward its final beat,
the perfected heart beats evermore
pounding with a rhythmic pattern of hosanna
And though our lives are full of imperfections
and the weariness of time stains every sandy foot print,
He is faithful to all that come with the broken fragrance that proclaims “have mercy of me, a sinner”
But though our lives are that of vapor
and our physical destiny is that of the grave,
we look to Him who conquered death and carved our salvation clear
Lay calmly children of promise, for your salvation draweth nigh
and with His pierced hands He takes you within His perfect time,
ones for whom He died.

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