Friday, August 24, 2012

The Gospel Compass is Dead


Believers are worried that if gay marriage becomes legal that the moral structure of America will come crashing down. Some even suggest that polygamy will soon follow. Well, it’s way too late. The New Testament clearly warns about a marriage between men and money. But that marriage is not only legal in America, it is encouraged as a sign of Christian patriotism.

Well, polygamy is already practiced throughout the evangelical community. It’s called divorce and remarriage! What is the greatest enemy to Americans? It would be a gay Muslim who is a communist.

Lions and tigers and bears - Oh my!

Run to the hills - Run for your lives!

What a weak kneed brand of Christianity some practice. While they claim to be inhabited by the God of Creation who bows to no one, they tremble at the power of one, rather thin, American president. We all know what is happening here. Nationalism and latent racism have become blood brothers. And throw out any hint of the gospel and voilĂ , you have moral vigilantism fueled by fear and anger.

Dan.3: 19 Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury, and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: therefore he spake, and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated.

Because the three Hebrew children would not obey the commandment of Nebuchadnezzar he ordered them thrown into the fiery furnace. But the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God, and he ordered the flames be made seven times hotter. That did two things. First it killed all those who threw them in, and secondly if God had not protected the three Hebrews they would have perished immediately and without any pain. So the desired effect Nebuchadnezzar wanted would have been just the opposite because he acted in fear and anger.

The gospel has been ignored and yet that is our message that was paid for by the Blood of the Lamb. Do we really believe Christ died and suffered only to compete with moral and national crusades against the ghosts of nationalism and moralism? And while we chase moral apparitions the souls of men perish. One man suggests natural birth control inside a rape victims body while another suggests rampant polygamy and incest if gay marriage is legal. What kind of Neanderthal atmosphere is emerging? This is what happens when men reject the Christ and engage in a political feeding frenzy hoping to win a war which has already been lost. Message to self - sinners cannot be changed inside without the gospel and any outward changes without the gospel represent the clothing of Cain.

Words and attitudes can be violent. And violent words can and do lead to violent actions. When men create an atmosphere of hatred it influences men’s hearts and engenders all kinds of mischief. And when words are arrows of anger then the fallen nature of men rises up and becomes the driving force of everything. And like a cat chasing its tail, men think themselves as warriors gaining on the enemy when in fact they are nothing but pawns in a useless gambit.

The entire culture is fallen, so how much more fallen can it get? Romans chapter one traces the descent of a fallen culture, but the entire book points to faith in Christ as the answer, not political leverage. Like attempting to put out a gas fire with gas, the evangelical community continues to fight the wrong war. This is not a war “to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”. This is an eternal war which has already been won and calls us as soldiers of redemption!

Compared to a large ship its rudder is very small, but still it can turn the course of the greatest vessel. And all it would take is for the church to turn their eyes and look toward Jesus and the entire redemptive vessel could begin to turn. But instead the church continues its fool’s errand and pursues a better life through the annihilation, or at least through the annulment of its moral enemies. And yet these so called enemies are exactly to whom Christ has sent us. Do we not realize that when Christ came He came when all of us were His enemies? Had He chosen to confront us with His holy power we would have all been doomed. Instead He laid down His power and became obedient unto death and through His sacrifice we have life. Where oh where is that same spirit today expressed openly to our enemies? Where is the love we are commanded to show to our enemies?

But allow me to let you in to a little secret. When God opens your eyes to the futility of politics and the idolatry of nationalism, it takes years for most of the vestiges to dilute, and every once in a while they still crop up inside. But let me illustrate further.

A group of people were playing a game called Fallen. They had no idea that their lives were in jeopardy. But one day the Master came and rescued them. They had no idea just how much danger they had been in, and they were completely grateful and submitted to their Master. They desired to do whatever He said.

Well the Master gave them a new game called Gospel and He commanded them to only play that game and to invite others to play. That sounded so good to these people and they were only to happy to do what the Master desired. But after a few hundred years these people began to look over the fence and see people playing the game called Fallen, the one they knew so well. They saw that people were flocking to play that game while new players in their game were scarce. Suddenly they got a new thought. They reasoned that if they left the Gospel game and climbed the fence and began playing the Fallen game they could help people. They had completely forgotten what the Master had said, and because they thought their cause was right they went and enlisted in the game called Fallen.

Year after year after year they played the game Fallen, but instead of helping people they themselves began to forget the rules of the game Gospel. They knew that the rules of the game Fallen were completely at odds with the rules of the game Gospel, but still they desired to play Fallen. They thought they could play both games at once. But their Master had said, “No man can play two games at once. He will either love one game and hate the other, or hate the one and love the other.” After a while the people forgot how to play the Gospel game, and they became satisfied with playing the game called fallen.

Fortunately most of the away team which traveled all over the world still played the game called Gospel. They did not adopt the game of Fallen as had their team members back in the home stadium called Western Culture. This world wide team played in the stadium called “Uttermost Parts”. They still played by the rules of the Gospel.

The western church has all but given up the cause of the gospel except in the corners of doctrinal orthodoxy. No longer do believers stand with bold humility and give their very lives for the cause of Christ. Inventing all kinds of enemies while refusing to emulate the cross, we have become a vacuous voice of moral outrage and political patriotism. There is no way to find our way back until we come out of denial and see what has happened. Then and only then can we expect to see the glorious light that can only come through the Lord Jesus.

Until then stoke the fires of condemnation seven time hotter and take hold of these moral miscreants and toss them under the doctrinal bus. Yes, sinners like me were rescued from their midst through God’s grace, but since I am now free I can turn and toss my own self righteous stones. After all, I am no longer a part of them.

Very short memories indeed.


JMD said...

Hosea 4:6

Anonymous said...

One thing that few christians comment on are the hateful verbal attacks against the POTUS. The POTUS has always behaved above and beyond publicly and has never shouted, talked down, spoke arrogantly or bragged about his 'walk'. He doesn't sell himself as the "anointed one". Others in media give him that title and when they use it, it is painful to hear. It's said with such vitriol. Any national leader who chooses to serve in government, put themselves and their families on the front lines. If those who have on "Christ" can't see how any human being, including Barack Obama, is loved by our Father in heaven, then they don't have any compassion, or Godly understanding. Why don't they pray for the man who they politically disagree with? , There's no show of an attitude of thanksgiving for the man at the helm. It's not as if he is a dictator who imposes a low quality of life on everyone. USA being one of the wealthiest nations in the world and still, lots of berating and complaining.

Just because a person has become a leader that follows after liberal concepts that are not biblical doesn't mean that that leader's soul will be forever lost. Isn't it the responsibility of a christian to pray, and rejoice when an unbeliever or a lukewarm believer has a true salvation encounter with the true God? That leader may in fact now consider himself a christian, like we ALL did in our lives, before we came to a real knowledge of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. If a leader is pre-occupied with the business of a nation at hand, that he promised to serve, and based on the promises that he made, was elected to bring them to pass, why are some christians so brazenly openly critical of him? They live in a land that promotes democracy. That man was lawfully elected, yet the christian 'right' become agitated and verbally abusive towards this one man.

It's interesting that this one man does not arrogantly exploit his christian beliefs for political gain. He doesn't sound his trumpet on the street for everyone to hear, and if he prays, no one will know about it, because like the humble man who sat in the back pew asking daily for God's help and mercy, it doesn't impress the masses.

Part of the Lord's church in the USA has hurt the name of Jesus by acting like unmerciful dogs that bark and torment a cornered animal. An animal that they would otherwise ignore, if that animal weren't another color. And, some in the church find it SO easy to believe every lie told about one man. The joke racist e-mails, the insinuations, the provoking facebook posts by well-known self-claimed christians about this man and the First Lady. And many of these from self-proclaimed christians.

There is a spirit of hate that has broken free since the last election. It was slowly fed by one dissenting christian mouth, then another and another, until a whole community of angry christian spokespeople would repeat a rumor until it's perceived as a truth.

The christian community in the USA needs to repent, and ask President Obama his forgiveness for all the vile things that they either say, or sit back and not defend. This goes for all liberals and left-leaning workers and leaders. What kind of example are they showing the world by behaving like this?

The unthankfulness and criticism from christian-sponsored media about the man in the White House and how it's all his fault for their every problem is really hard to take, when heard from millions around the world who live with a lot less. Logic has left certain minds and has been replaced with a strong delusion.