Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Talk Show Host Heretics

This post is in response to several communications from believers who are growing increasingly unsettled and concerned for their brothers and sisters who are entrenched in nationalism and patriotism.

I have come to the conclusion that nationalism and patriotism is every bit as deceptive and insidious as is the emergent church movement. Many “orthodox” believers are marching in lockstep with unbelievers and cult members, joined by the common desires to elevate the country known as America, the political system known as democracy, and the economic system known as capitalism. The man named Glenn Beck, a professing Mormon, is holding a rally that he claims is a result of “divine providence”. This rally is designed to solidify people in their patriotism and set up the “founding fathers” as idols.
I ask myself, “Why cannot believers see the open idolatry and deep gospel compromise in such things?” But I can understand because only ten years ago I too was caught in the deception. Perhaps not as deep and visceral as some, but still I was blind. God favors no country and no kingdom but that which has His Son as its Monarch. To have a fondness for this nation dilutes our allegiance to the Lord Jesus Himself and His kingdom. There cannot be two masters or two kingdoms, there must be only one. We are not called to hate any nation or people, but we are called to come out from among them and be separate. We are in this world/nation but we are not of it. And one great reason for the continuing downslide in this particular nation is the saltless essence of the church due in large part to the affection the church has for this nation.
To see professing Christians waving red, white, and blue banners must grieve the heart of the One to whom all banners should fly. And to see believers place their hands over their hearts and pledge allegiance to a nation is open rebellion and spiritual adultery. And when that nation is one that murders the unborn, allows all kinds of perversion, and is married to any and all forms of wealth, then this allegiance defies the very definition of what it means to be a believing follower of Jesus Christ. The suggestion that America was ever a Christian nation is a lie, and Christian schools throughout America have carnal and adulterous leaders posted on their walls for their children to emulate.
And when the government levies taxes that seem unfair and extreme, are believers allowed to take up arms and murder their leaders in order to form a “more perfect union”? If so, let us take up our guns today and storm the gates of Washington. But of course the New Testament lays out a much different and much more glorious path for those who are known by the name of Jesus. Our kingdom demands everything, so there is never a raising of any taxes. We are bought into a glorious slavery that not only anoints us with power and redemption, but it makes us a child of the Creator God. And if we actually believe that, what could possibly unnerve us concerning the government and nation in which God’s providence has placed us? Should we be different than the mixed multitude of patriot throngs that spew hatred toward those with whom they disagree and tell a fairy tale of days gone by?
I sat for several years behind a couple in church with whom we spoke during the greeting time. They both were very nice and friendly. But he was never demonstrative during the worship times and would not attend any Sunday School class. But every July 4th celebration in church he would get emotional and demonstrative during any patriotic songs. That, my friends, is very sad and wreaks of idolatry at the very gathering supposedly to worship the Risen Christ. Watch the news clips of the rally held by Glenn Beck and see if redemption, love, mercy, grace, and humility seem to be prevalent. The energy and emotion given to a nation is carnal, but when exhibited by a blood bought disciple of the Lord Jesus it is obscene and even sacrilegious. I still am ashamed at my former expressions of love for the inanimate and the worldly.
But we must guard our hearts against hatred toward those who are still ensnared in the deception of nationalism and patriotism. We ourselves were once caught up in such unproductive matters that diluted our discipleship and commitment to Jesus Christ. It is easy to be self righteous after deliverance, but that too is carnal. We must mourn for our brothers and sisters who are imprisoned and blind, and we must pray for a glorious and mountain moving revival that shakes us all to our very foundations. And if the tens of millions of professing believers who live in America would turn away from all idols and turn wholly to Christ Himself, well, what glory and power would sweep this nation and possibly the nations of this world. This is our heart’s cry and it must begin with us.
But be aware that many of these patriotic rallies and movements claim a divine element of approval and “destiny”. This is extremely dangerous and deceptive, and it just may be that those who watch for deception in others are being rounded up in one themselves. Many fear the “one world” movement, but they are profoundly blind to the “one nation” movement which is a mirror of that which they fear. We are not called to one world or one nation. We are called to,

“…one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

This is not a time to take up other causes. This is a time for believers to humble themselves before God and beseech Him to fill us with His Spirit. This is a time to live the gospel of redemption as we preach Christ, crucified, buried, and risen. This is a time to repent and once again seek His face. The people who live in this country do not need a return to the values of our founding fathers. They need to see Jesus, high and lifted up, and living through those who claim His name. Only then can they inherit eternal life and only then can God be glorified.

May God have mercy on His church.

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