Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thank You Tom and Ingrid Schlueter

I have had some disagreements with Mrs. Ingrid Schlueter who oversees a blog named Slice of Laodicea. But any disagreements I have pale in comparison to many things about which I agree. I applaud Tom and Ingrid Schlueter as they went to a prosperity conference that I had first discovered on a television commercial. Since Brother Ray Comfort, a faithful preacher of the gospel, had been invited and scheduled to speak at this conference and I had wondered if some of the watchman blogs would criticize this conference since Ray Comfort was speaking. To her credit and others, they did not show any partiality.

Tom and Ingrid Schlueter “endured” one of the services where a bona fide heretic, John Avanzini, spoke. I am recommending you go to THIS POST and read what she has written and listen to the links she has provided. Mrs. Schlueter has provided a revelation of breathtaking heresy, and in many ways this prosperity movement may be more influential than any other “evangelical” movement. And because many people get their Christianity from the media, these men have used television and radio and literature to lure millions into grevious error. We cannot, we must not, fellowship with these heretics and if I have understood correctly Ray Comfort has decided not to do so in the future. That is a good thing, so thank you Ingrid Schlueter, this post is one of your finest exposés and will be used as a warning to many.

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