Monday, June 03, 2013

Be Still My Soul



  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Beautiful, and thank you, Bro. Rick.

    I love these old hymns, they have a quality of reverence and holy respect, and I always felt conviction listening to them.

    I want to share, however, the type of worship that I became more acquainted with during my pentecostal-walk days; maybe these songs are too presumptuous and make the singer and worshippers too expectant or demanding? All I know is that I would be refreshed in my soul and leave church with a sense that Jesus had all things in control, and that in song, He manifests Himself, His presence in the crowd, and He ministers to us, when we worship Him.

    This is Israel Houghton (just found him searching for music, lately). I know he is the worship team leader for Lakewood Church (Joel Osteen), but before I found this out, I was ministered to by his music. When people point to Jesus, how can His Spirit not dwell there? When people worship Jesus, how can He deny being present? Even when there is some apostasy, or grifting, or confusion of scripture, or wolves who preach, teach offensive things, it still boggles my mind that God can use those still in bondage to lift up His Name, where He chooses to bring hope and joy and excitement. I know it's not about "feelings", but the joy of the Lord is my strength, scripture says.

    If you are willing to share this, Bro. Rick, this is Israel Houghton "It's Not Over" -

    This is for those whose dreams have been shattered, and the lyrics, though some would say it's the 'prosperity type' lyric that promises things, is not to me. The lyrics say, "it's not over til God says it's over" and "in Him, he does make things new", and "our God IS able". May the Lord bless you here with this song.

    Am thinking about Kim and keeping her in prayer; I pray Jesus that you keep her and us and that "it's not over" and that something's changing. In your most holy Name, Jesus.

  2. Cherie c.7:31 PM

    Has anyone heard how Kim is doing?

    Cherie c.

  3. Cherie c.9:05 PM

    Dear Pastor Rick,

    I emailed you the update on Kim.

    your sister in Christ Jesus,
    Cherie c.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Thank-You Pastor Rick for this meaningful rendition; it ministered to my soul....sing unto the LORD a new song.

    Anonymous has given all of the pain and hurt to the LORD and will trust Him to heal through the power of His Word.

    May God richly bless you as you bless others. We praise God for you in the name of Jesus.


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