Saturday, April 03, 2010

A True Story

Last week my best friend and his two sons (15 and 13) went with a church group to minister to Haitian pastors in a week long conference. There were small groups during the day and revival services every night. There were three people delivered from demonic forces during those services which resulted in a public burning of many voodoo artifacts.

But as most of you know, I have consistently suggested that the western church continues to drift from the love of Christ. With that in mind I share this story which happened this week at the pastor’s conference in Haiti:

It was about 11:00 AM and my friend was teaching a class about being a Christian man. As he was speaking the door to the 15’ x 15’ room that was to hold 40 men opened and seven pastors walked in. They motioned for the interpreter and asked him to apologize to the group for their tardiness. The reason they were late? They had to walk 7 hours to get there.

I will share other stories in the future, but let this one exhort us to take inventory of our own commitment.


  1. Rick, this reminds me of a young Masai man, named Joseph, who one more showed up to the church we had in a small village on the equator (in Kenya). We started at 9:30am.

    I asked how he possibly got there as I knew where he lived. He had walked (since 4:30am) 42 kms (26+ miles) to get there.

    Should I have gotten upset he didn't have a shirt and was still wearing a sword and head-dress?

    But North America, unless we can get a ride or the church is withing 1 square mile, it's "too far."

    Convenient Christianity. Just flip on the TV if you don't feel like going, or dial up the Internet.

  2. The church now a days is not commited..We need to be commited to Christ and the good works he began in us. When you read about men like this we should be ashamed and convicted. There should be revival in our hearts. I watch Catholic churches out there feeding the poor, the widows,the children, you see the Watch Tower Folks beating the path going door to door, it sickens me to think they are out there sharing a false gospel and yet in their hearts they feel a commitment.

    We who have the truth are not doing enough to get the truth out there. God forgive us.... God revive us.


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