Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ministers of the New Testament

II Cor.3:5-6 - Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the Spirit;
Paul says, when referring to our ministry to be a sweet savour of Christ, "Who is sufficient for these things?". He answers it later with "Our sufficiency is of God" with a special emphasis on ministering in the Spirit. It is impossible to ever completely describe or unveil the glorified Christ with mere words, the Holy Spirit's ministry must speak of the majesty of the Lord Jesus in words "unlawful to utter". The glory of God on the face of Moses reflected the glory of the Old Testament law that was written on stone and was given with the divine purpose of one day passing away. It was called a ministry of death(II Cor.3:7) and yet even the limited and finite Old Testament law was so glorious that people couldn't even look at the reflection of that glory in the face of Moses. The ministry of condemnation was glorious. Wow.
Now comes the New Testament through it's author and embodied in the Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, who also is the Creator of the universe. The Old Testament law was given with a built in self destruct when faced with the death, burial, and resurrection of it's maker, and as a matter of fact, it's primary purpose was to steer people to its Author, and upon His arrival the death knell was cast for the ministry in stone. Now why does Paul accentuate the Spirit in describing the New Testament? Because human words cannot fully communicate the glory of the cross, the tomb, the resurrection, the virgin birth, the incarnation, in short - the Person of Jesus Christ. The glory of God Himself is not something that should be manhandled by carnal and self serving men with their own agenda and carried on the wings of their own intellect, no, it must be done God's way by the Spirit.
Now enters today's relevant dynasty that uses slick entertainment, sales strategies, political issues, creative themes, television series phrases, and earthly relationship psychology to represent this New and glorious Covenant sealed with the Blood of God Himself. With the spirit of Uzzah this new ox cart attempts to carry the very glory of the Person of the Risen Christ in made man artifacts and reaches to keep it steady by enticing words of men's wisdom. Never before has Jesus been preached less and misrepresented more. It is a difficult enough prospect for a sinner saved by grace to allow the Spirit of God such access and control of his spirit so as to preach and lift up the Lamb that was Slain, but today we have removed Him from His sacred throne and portrayed Him as a celestial Dr. Phil, ready to solve our problems. The false prophets proclaim, "Jesus will heal you, Jesus will prosper you, Jesus will get you out of debt, Jesus will heal your marriage, Jesus will advance your career", and on and on stream the lies. The offer of the gospel is not that Jesus wants to come and serve you, no, it is He who offers us eternal life if we will come and worship Him!
Oh the beggarly elements of this world have replaced the resplendent Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This present world and all its sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, how much more His glory that illuminates all of heaven! Do you dream of gazing upon Him from regal head to burning toes? Does the Spirit ever lift you out of your earthly box as you look for that Blessed Hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ? Can you momentarily leave this "vapor" and rejoice at the life to come? One quiet morning, a morning that had been chosen before the foundation of the world, God Himself lay dead in a dark and borrowed tomb. I said God lay dead!? Selah. The lifeless body that the Father had given His Son was cold and still, lying on a slab. Suddenly, prophetically, amazingly, and gloriously God's life re-entered that corpse. At that very moment the first fruits budded and eternal life for us was sealed. I can never fully comprehend how, God dead - God alive? I don't know how but I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day!
Now compare that truth with all your how to be a CEO preaching. Go ahead and feed on the paltry "makeover" menu. Let the "Tips for Dating" take you into the heavenlies. All of our preaching, and I mean ALL, must center on the Person, the Priesthood, the Attributes, the Work, the Cross, the Resurrection, and the glorious Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The ONLY way men can be drawn to salvation is, in Jesus' own Words, "If I be lifted up!".

Bow before the Sacred Head; Prostrate before the Royal Throne; Cover your face before His Holiness; Lift your praise before His Grace;
At this very moment, as you read this, all of heaven worships before Him...and He waits for you.

Worship Him alone...Forever and ever...Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Yes Rick, Our sufficency is from God and in God ALONE. I too detest the marketing of Jesus and the corruption of the Church by pastors who think they are CEOs.

    This is a very eloquent piece and your love for God and incredible act of Grace of Christ's atoning work on the cross is evident in all of your writings. I will have to spend some time reading some more. :-)

    PS Mike is a nick name as well.


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